"About time." He muttered before he pulled out and stroked himself a few times, finally groaning out loud for once and spilling onto my stomach. I looked up from the mess and saw him actually smiling at me. That was a relief. I thought he'd be mad for the "accidental" kiss.

"Clean yourself up. I'll be back for round two later." He said with a wink and disappeared. I took a deep breath and let it out. I don't think I'm ever going to get over doing this with him. Every time it just feels better and better.

I got off the bench and with wobbly, shaky legs I went over to the shower and turned it on to clean myself off. I guess this is one good way to wake up in the morning. I was a bit embarrassed that we had done it in the bathroom though. The room echoes so I knew the other souls would have heard everything. Oh well, it's not like they haven't heard it all before. When I was all clean I dried myself off and put my boxers back on.

I hesitantly walked back into the bedroom, just to see almost everyone looking back at me. It was kind of intimidating to be honest. The whole room was silent and everyone was just fixated on me. I looked at Jack who had quickly become my best friend in here. He just gave me a warning look. A warning? For what?

"You've been spending an awful lot of time with Vic lately." Jaime pointed out. His bed was closest to the bathroom, so he was standing right by me.

"Um, yeah. I can't, uh, I can't help it if he, um, if he wants me." I said timidly. How was I supposed to say 'he wants to fuck me, not you' in a nice way?

"Maybe so, but some of us don't quite like what you're doing." Jaime said, moving closer. A few others started to come closer too and soon enough they were surrounding me. I stood there, on edge and completely paranoid that they were going to do something to me. There were about ten of them.

"I'm not doing anything." I defended myself.

"Bull fucking shit!" Jaime shouted, making me jump back, startled. I ended up running into one of the others who pushed me back into the middle of the group. I was starting to get scared now. "You know what will happen if he falls in love with you. You're trying to make it happen and fuck, you've gotten a lot further than all of us. We have been here longer than you. We deserve the freedom!"

All around me there were murmurs of agreement. I looked around the circle quickly, seeing which of the souls were against me. Some of these people I thought I formed friendships with. I looked at Jack who was still standing at his bed, looking away from the scene that was unfolding here. Did he know something that I didn't?

"You need to be stopped." Jaime spoke up again.

"Well you can't. You can't stop Vic from doing what he wants. I'm sorry none of you have succeeded, but don't take your anger out on me." I said, getting a little riled up now.

"Yes, we can. We're going to show you what will happen if you keep this shit up." Jaime said and the small circle I was in got smaller as they all walked towards me.

"W-what are you going to do?" I asked, fear seeping through my veins. As I said that, Jaime pushed my shoulders, sending me into the main part of the group and the next second I could feel blow after blow as fists and feet collided with my body. I screamed out as they battered my body. I was thrown to the floor, but of course it didn't stop them from hurting me. I wanted to die. That's what I wanted. But I was in hell, I'm already dead. Nothing could kill me here, right?

"Stop!" I screamed. "Jack! Jack help!" Through the feet I could see Jack still over by his bed. Why won't he help me? Why?! I called out for Vic this time, that only made them kick me harder so I stopped. I shielded my head, protecting it from most of the impact. The pain was unbearable. My body was starting to feel numb though and soon enough I could barely feel the hits. Was I even getting hit anymore? I took my hands away from my face and looked up. Jaime was looking down at me smirking.

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