I had to admit, I felt that annoying jealousy running through me again. That's only because it wasn't fair! Why should Jaime get to be fucked by Vic all the damn time? Why couldn't it be someone else? Aren't we good enough for him? In the next room I could already hear screaming, it was like a mixture of pain and pleasure, I don't know. It wasn't Vic's voice though. I recognized it as Jaime's. I tried to push the images out of my mind. Someone else was being pleasured by him right now and it wasn't me.

It was maybe an hour before the sounds finally stopped and we all looked at each other, waiting in anticipation. Jack had just been telling me about how the screams were never that loud. Does that mean the sex was better than ever? I was about to get my answer because the door creaked open and in walked, actually, stumbled Jaime. A collective gasp was heard in the room as we all looked at him. He was bruised everywhere and his chest had lines across it which looked cut deep. Even though he looked like he just lost a fight with a lawn-mower, he had a smile on his face.

"Holy shit." Justin said from his spot next to me.

Jaime shut the door behind him and took a couple of steps before collapsing to the ground. A few people got up to help him, but I just looked on in shock. What has Vic done to him!?

"I'll get the venom." Jack said, shooting up from his bed and running over to the bathroom. The venom? Vic's venom? How would he even have that? I looked back over at Jaime as two boys, Harry and Louis, helped him up and practically dragged him over to his bed. I was curious about whatever the hell happened to him so I, along with a few others, walked over and stood by his bed.

"Are you okay, dude?" Justin asked. Jaime just nodded his head. He looked so happy. How can he look so happy?

"Well it must have been one hell of a bang if you can look past the abuse." Harry said.

"Oh, we didn't have sex." Jaime said, resulting in all of us giving him confused look. "He was just mad and he hurt me. It was...it was...me gusta."

Wow, I guess everyone wasn't over-reacting when they said Jaime likes to get hurt. If it were me I would have been crawled up in a corner somewhere rocking back and forth crying. I wanted to be mad at Vic for doing this to Jaime. Like, who could actually do this to someone? However, Jaime seemed to like it. He liked getting hurt and Vic knew that so he used it to his advantage. Jack came out a moment later holding a needle which had a purple liquid in it.

"How did you get that?" I asked.

"Vic left it here for us in case he hurts one of us and is too mad to heal us, like right now." Jack said. I watched as he inserted the needle into Jaime's arm. A few seconds later I saw the cuts and bruises gradually disappear and after a minute they were gone completely.

After the excitement was over I retreated back to my bed, sitting on it with my knees up to my chest and my head resting on them. I wonder what had provoked Vic. Maybe it had something to do with why he left me so quickly earlier today. I'm not sure, I wanted to find out though, but there was absolutely no way I was going into that room while he's in that mood. I'll go in later tonight, when everyone else is asleep and hopefully when he's calmed down.

The rest of the day went quickly and I found myself laying on my bed in eagerness, waiting for the others to go to sleep so I could go and see Vic. I don't even know why I cared so much about what happened to him. I don't really, but if I want him to fall in love with me then I have to show him I care, even though I don't, or do? I'm not sure anymore. This place is making me crazy.

I couldn't even wait anymore! Most people had gone to sleep already but there were still a few up talking. God they talked so much! I have no idea how, but they do. I got sick of everyone after my first three days here. Anyway, I walked past the people, ignoring their looks, and went straight to the door which led to Vic's room. I could get into so much trouble for this, but I did it anyway. I quietly turned the door knob and pushed it open, stepped in, and closed it behind me. The lights in the room were dim, but I saw him there, sitting on his bed with his back against the headboard, casually sipping out of a glass which looked like it may have had alcohol in it. Demons drink?

The Deal (Kellic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz