Chapter 5

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Maddy's POV

"That was awesome Shawn!" I said. He just threw his ex in the pool it was fricken awesome. He just laughed as we all walked into Nash's room. "We should play truth or dare," Cam said obviously excited. Everyone just nodded there head. "Jack J truth or dare?" Carter said. "Uhhhh dare," Jack said hesitating. "I dare you to go knock on a random hotel room door and ask if they have any condoms you can borrow," Carter said laughing. I pulled up vine on my phone as Jack J went over to some random door. He knocked and asked if they had any he could borrow. "Got one," Jack said holding up a condom laughing. Everyone was in tears because they were laughing so hard by now. We kept on playing until about 1:00am and then my brother (aka the party pooper) said we should get some sleep. As we were walking back to our own rooms Shawn stopped all of us except Dani who went to the bathroom. "Guys I really like Dani," Shawn said blushing. "Awww Shawny has a crush!" Matt said pinching Shawn's cheeks. "Shhh she's gonna hear you," Taylor said covering Matts mouth. "You should make a move I give you full permission," Jack G said. A smiles spread across Shawn's face. "All I have to say is that if you hurt my sister I'll break your face... And other parts." I said looking at Shawn. "Hold up feisty pants settle down," Tay said laughing and pulling me back. "All I'm saying is you better not hurt her, but I I trust you... For now," I said calming down a little. Everyone was laughing at me I think Hayes even got it on video. "Thanks guys, we should get to our rooms before Dani comes and suspects something," Shawn said as me and Hayes followed him to our room. We went in and I flopped on my bed. "I'm not tired," I said getting up. "Me neither," Hayes said also getting up. "We should go swimming again!" I said jumping up and down. "Why not," Hayes said shrugging. We walked out if the room heading towards the elevator. We still had our swim suits on from before so we didn't have to change. The elevator door opened up and I ran out with Hayes following me. I was running towards the pool when I felt two strong arms wrap around me. I instantly knew it was Hayes, he jumped into the water with me still in his arms. I popped out from under the water and swam over to edge and threw my now soaking wet tshirt over by the chairs. We swam around for a about an hour and a half until someone came in and told us that the pool was closing. "Hayes helped me out of the pool and handed me my tshirt which was now mostly dry. I threw it on and we headed towards the elevator. It was super cold I could feel goosebumps. "Here take my sweatshirt," Hayes said giving me his hoodie. "No it's fine," I said not wanting him to be cold because of me. "No seriously it's fine your lips are blue," he said handing me his hoodie. "Thanks," I said pulling it over my head. "Damn you smell good," I said laughing. He chuckled and then we got out of the elevator. We went into the hotel room side by side flopping on our beds, which were next to each other. "So Maddy I was thinking maybe tomorrow after magcon we could hang out," Hayes said nervously scratching the back of his neck. "Sure," I said blushing. "Well night Mads," he said closing his eyes. "Night Haysie," I said pulling up the covers.

"Wake up you gotta get ready we have to leave for magcon in an hour!" Dani said shaking me. I groaned then got up and grabbed purple jean high waisted shorts and Hayes hoodie he gave me last night. I also grabbed my black vans and a purple bandana. I walked into the bathroom and did my normal morning routine. (Shower, brushing teeth,etc) Then I brushed my hair, got dressed, slipped on my vans, and threw on my bandana. I walked out into the room revealing Hayes on his phone. "Hey Maddy," he said looking up. "Hey Hayes," I said grabbing my phone. "Wanna go down and get breakfast?" He asked. "Sure,"I said following him out the door. We walked down to the breakfast area and got our food than sat by the rest of our group. "Hey Tay Tay!" I said sitting down in between Taylor and Hayes. "Hey Mads, I like your bandana," he said. He was wearing the same one as me. "Thanks bae," I said giggling. After a few minutes we had all finished eating, so we walked out to the limo. I sat by Matt. "Hey Matt," I said. "Hey Maddy, has Hayes made a move yet?" He asked. "Well he we are hanging out after magcon tonight if that counts," I said smiling like an idiot. "Awww Maddy's got a crush,' he said quietly laughing. "Shut up!" I said hitting his arm. "Gilinsky your sister hit me," Matt said like a two year old. Everyone laughed and went back to their conversations. "We are hear!" Nash said getting out if the limo. We all followed him into the building. Taylor put me on his back. "Now you won't get lost shortie," Tay said making his way through the huge crowd. "Thanks Tay Tay," I said hopping off of his back and walking into the building. Magcon started and they did all kinds of crazy stuff. After it was over we went back to the hotel. I was excited for my "date" with Hayes, I sort of like him. Well I actually really like him. I went into our room and sat on my bed and messed around on my phone. "Ready to go?" Hayes asked from the doorway. "Yep lets go," I said walking towards him. We walked out of the hotel and headed down the street. Hayes grabbed my hand. "Where are we going?" I asked. "I was thinking the park," Hayes said. "That sounds fun," I said. I saw a park across the street from where we were, IT HAS SWINGS. I ran to the swings pulling Hayes behind me. I jumped onto a swing and started to push off. Hayes got on the one next to me and we just swung. "Let's go climb that tree,' Hayes said pointing to a tree. "I jumped off of the swing and ran to the tree. Hayes lifted me up by my waist so I could reach the first branch. Gosh I'm super short. I kept climbing until I reached the too branch. Hayes sat down next to me. "Maddy I have to tell you something," Hayes said looking at me. I nodded motioning for him to continue. "I have had a crush on you ever since you stepped inside the limo at the airport, and it's killing me that i can't kiss and hug you whenever I want, so what I'm trying to say is Maddy will you be my girlfriend?" "Definitely Hayes I would love to," I said hugging him tightly. He pulled away and cupped my face in his hands. I put my arms around his neck, and he brought his lips to mine. I felt fireworks go off inside of my stomach and my lips tingled. Our lips moved I sink, and I loved every second of it. "I love you Hayes," I said catching my breath. "I love you too Mads," Hayes said. He jumped down from the tree. I jumped off after him falling in his arms. "Caught ya," he said smirking at me and winking. I giggled then jumped out of his arms. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close as we walked back to the hotel. I rested my head on his shoulder. We went up to our room quietly so we didn't wake anybody, it was pretty late and we had magcon tomorrow early. We walked in hand I grabbed a pair of pj shorts and a tshirt. I changed then walked out. Hayes threw me one of his hoodies, I loved oversized hoodies his went down to my knees. I climbed into bed and pulled up the blankets. Hayes got in next to me and wrapped a arm around my waist. I put an arms around his torso and put my head on his bare chest. "I love you," he said kissing my forehead. "Love you too Haysie," I said closing my eyes. I fell asleep happily, I have the best boyfriend in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 ⏰

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