Chapter Three

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                                  "God lanayru please help me out" the man blabber out saying some stuff about some god or deity. Off course k9 felt sorry for the man and tried to help him since his in a trap but however k9 face palm as the God went on and on about a God. Lanayru where could he had heard that name k9 thought but then he remembered what alejandro said about this mount. A goddess lives here and so k9 climbed up the tall tree to save and save the man as k9 made his way up. His now at the trunk of the tree where the trap seems to be strapped to and so he made his way to the trap. When k9 was close enough to the trapped he could hear the man say something but it was quiet but k9 could make out what the man is saying.

                               "Gotcha you" the man said and k9 stopped what he was doing and then an arrow shot him near the crouch area. It didn't hit him but it hit the tree bark and that's when k9 looked around him and saw a group of people. They were on the trees around him and down on the ground they had spears, bows and dressed weird. They seems to be tribesmen and k9 thought so since he read about them in a book back when he was twelve. Flashback to six years ago when k9 was twelve years back at the mansion in sir arnold's library. In the library k9 was touching books "so I see you like books k9" sir Arnold said to the lad as he appeared in front of them.

                                  Sir Arnold strange kneeled down to his knee eye sight level of k9 and he grabbed the book k9 was touching. "Let me see, oh primitive tribesmen of the world,this should be nice do you wanna read it" Arnold said holding the book out to k9. K9 just looked at the book since he didn't know how to read "oh I forgot you don't know how to read" Arnold said putting away the cigarette in his mouth. "Don't worry child I'll teach you even though you dog you still have some human in you, that should be enough" Arnold said walking towards a table. K9 stood there not doing anything and arnold looked back to see this too "well come on now even though you can't speak the least I could do is teach you to wrote out the word syou want to say" Arnold said. K9 smiled that day as he ran to Arnold "well then good boy now where should we start, ah this way" Arnold said.

                                Back to present time Where k9 was up in the tree and with the tribesmen. where after him " munya jekl ug chalhim" one of the tribesmen said and k9 didn't understand what the man spoke since he only knew english. K9 slightly turned his head to the confusing langauge barrier and situation k9 is at. Then one of the tribesmen realizes something about k9 "hegel money jeg ga, moka eg jun" the said as the others stay down and the weapons are not pointed at k9 anymore. That's when k9 felt it was okay to go down the tree but not before cutting the rope that held the trap the guy was in. The guy fell but he was okay non the less and k9 went down the tree.

                                 K9 went towards the only one that stood out since he was wearing huge hat made of feathers kind of like a top hat but in a weird way. "Gehrig doen jehu sun" the tribesmen said as k9 tilted his head and the others bowed down before him. As if this couldn't get anymore confusing the seem to bring out some sort of chair made of sticks and it seems that it had long pulls out of it. They wanted k9 to sit in it,it appears and so he did and the four men picked up the pulls and lifted it up and went brought him to what's seems to be there village. There village was inside this huge cave with a hole on top and there was lake on it and it was beautiful. The four men put down the chair like throne and placed it down and k9 stood up and got out the chair.

                                         "Jekl ope fehndo sickto" the tribesmen said and like last time k9 tilted his head out of confusion. "I believe the god does not know what you are saying" so then k9's finally felt relief as one of them knew english. "Oh my apologies my lord is this okay" the tribesmen said and k9 gave him a thumbs up with a smile. "Oh okay I see then, I am Gehrig leader of the opasulla tribe people and this is my son jeakell his the one you saved" gehrig said as jeakell said hi to k9. "Hello I'm jeakell prince of the opasulla and I'm sorry for tricking you my lord we did not mean you not harm" jeakell said bowing down to k9. K9 tried to speak but most of them are barks which the others tilted there head out of confusion.

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