I simply sat there and pondered on what Aslan had said to me. His last sentence relieved me to an extent. Though Aslan had given us the title of Magnificent, Gentle, Just and Valiant, and we lived up to that, our subjects had given us separate titles as well. Sword, Jewel, Shield and song to me, Susan, Edmund and Lucy respectively.

And our instructor, Oreius, Kanell and Celer had once said that as long as Narnia’s sword and shield kept together there was absolutely no harm that could befall her.

I don’t know how long I sat there before I heard an upstairs door open and then shut. Then Susan was standing there behind me.

“Peter, what happened? You look so pale. Did you faint? Do you need a Doctor?” Susan, my so gentle and caring sister, started fussing over me and this was a part I did not like at all.

“Su, relax, I’m alright.” I tried to assure her. She stopped fussing but not worrying. Looking at her face I wondered how come had Ed and I groaned over the news of her visit. It was true that sometimes she annoyed us with her ‘girl stuff’ and how she avoided everything related to Narnia but I could confidently say on behalf of all my siblings that we loved her a lot and there was nothing in our power that we wouldn’t do for her.

We walked down the few remaining stairs and into the living room where we sat on the couch after I had picked up today’s newspapers and posts.

“So, what are you getting for Lucy?” she asked casually after sometime.

“For Lucy? Why?” I asked confused. Edmund’s birthday was approaching so we had to buy gifts for Edmund, not Lucy.

“Don’t tell me you don’t remember. Lucy’s birthday is four days away.”

“No, wait a minute. Ed’s birthday is that day.”

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes before opening them and saying, “What is wrong with all of you? 25th August is Lucy’s birthday. Edmund’s is in April and your two weeks after him. Even Lucy is working away on a gift for Edmund. Which calendar are you all using?” She threw up her hands exasperated.

I turned her words over in my head and realized how this confusion has occurred. Though her last question was meant to be rhetorical that was what had happened. We were calculating birthdays using the Narnian Calendar! I will have to tell Lucy to ease up her work a little since she was working labourasly to complete the handkerchief before ‘Edmund’s’ birthday.

“I can’t believe I got confused in their birthdays.” I finally managed to say.

Susan rolled her eyes and hit me on the back of my head good naturedly, “I can’t believe all of you got confused. Only Edmund remembered it was Lucy’s birthday and not his.”

A thought struck me and I turned to my sister, panicked, “What am I getting her?” I asked Susan desperately. Different as they maybe, they were both girls and they were also sisters. She should be able to help me.

“I was expecting that.” She said with a sigh and continued, “There’s not much time left for you to make anything for her so, you will have to buy her something. No dress or make-up stuff for her, she doesn’t really like them. Wait a second. Edmund, I think, is drawing something for her. Why don’t you do something that will compliment it…?”

I don’t know what Susan said after that. She had given me the idea and I, after thanking her heartedly though hastily, left the room to go back to our bedroom.

As I passed their room, I saw that Jill, Lucy and Sarah, all were up. Only my brother and cousin were still snoring peacefully. Well, that’s the end of their peace. Unceremoniously, I shook them awake.

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