"N-no! Scott... Don't!" Stiles says before running away again. Scott doesnt allow him to get far without him. He takes off running behind Stiles.

"STILES! PLEASE DONT RUN AWAY!" Scott calls out after Stiles. Eventually Stiles stops. He had ran into an empty classroom. Scott followed him in. "Stiles. Please just tell me what happened." Tears stream down Stiles face. Scott quickly walks over to him and wipes them away.

"I-it was Allison... and..." Stiles breathing picks up a lot. Scott notices and, not knowing what else to do, pulls Stiles into a kiss. It lasts about 15-20 seconds before Scott pulls away again.

"Calm down Stiles. Start again. What happened?" Scott says in his extra calm voice. Stiles slows his breathing down and focuses on Scott. He stares into Scott's pretty brown eyes as they glisten from the sunlight coming through the windows.

"Allison came up behind me... She punched me in the stomach then pushed me to the ground" Stiles starts as he pulls his hair back to show the cut on his forehead. Scott brushes through Stiles hair which just calms them both down. Scott leaves his hand on Stiles face letting him continue speaking. They didn't lose eye contact at all. "Then the others started kicking me and punching me."

"What others?" Scott questions.

"Theo and Isaac" Stiles hesitates to say but he does. He trusts Scott with his life. He wants to tell him everything. More tears start to flow past Stiles face.

"Don't worry baby. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again! You're safe with me." Scott says calmly with a tint of anger knowing that his two closest friends Theo and Isaac had done this. He thought he could trust all three of them. Imparently he was wrong though. At least they were in the past now. Scott had surrounded himself with better people. Even if Jackson had done some bad things, they made up. Stiles pulls Scott into a tight hug which knocks Scott out of his thoughts. Scott hugs him back trying not to hurt him anymore. After they hug for a few minutes the two boys walk back to their other friends and sit back down exactly where they were before. Scott decides to text Allison and the other two boys associated with hurting Stiles.

Scott: stop hurting Stiles!

Allison: why should I? He hurt me and took you away from me!

Scott: you hurt him first!
Scott: and he didn't take me away from you
Scott: I left on my own accord.

Allison: he punched me!!! I'm not letting him get away with that!!

Scott: haven't you done enough to him already! He tried to kill himself because of you!!! Just let him be already! He doesn't deserve any of this! You are so selfish and cruel! What you did is low! Leave him alone.

Allison: I'm not leaving him alone until He s dead for good
Allison: or you can just come back to me and he'll be safe. I'll leave him alone. Only if I get you back.
Allison: it's not like yous are actually together. Hell be fine if you come back to me.

Scott: you're dumber than you look.
Scott: Stiles and I are together idiot.
Scott: and there is no way in hell I'm ever going back to you!

Allison: then I'll just keep hurting your little protege.

Scott: try all you want! I'm not letting you anywhere near him!

Allison: whatever! You shouldn't be gay! That's just wrong!

Stiles had read every text that was sent without Scott realising. He started tearing up from what Allison had said but just wipes them away and as soon as Scott put his phone down Stiles reached for his hand and held it tightly in his. He lays his head down on the tanner teens shoulder closing his eyes and sitting peacefully next to his boyfriend. Scott let's go of Stiles hand and wraps his arm around Stiles. The whole group talk amongst each other like usual and laugh with each other about stupid little comments.

The rest of the day played out just fine. No one else had hurt Stiles and classes were normal. The last class had everyone in it except Liam Hayden and Mason  since they were 2 grades lower than the others. After class everyone met up outside the school doors.

"Hey Stiles can I stay over at yours tonight?" Scott asks holding onto Stiles hand again.

Stiles nods. "Of course you can! My dad's working late so we'll be home alone."

"That's fine." Scott says smiling to his boyfriend.

"Stilesssss can I get a lift home?" Malia asks. Stiles just nods and laughs at the way she had said his name. Everyone goes to their separate cars and drive away, except Stiles, Scott, and Malia. They hop into Stiles jeep, Malia sitting in the back and Scott sitting in the passenger seat.

Someone should totally give me some ideas on what to add to this story. Also just saying I know Allison would NEVER actually do anything like this but I ran out of characters and I didn't feel like making up anyone new. I've already done it once it just makes the story stray from the show. Anywaysssss enjoy.

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