TWENTY EIGHT: Fight These Four Symbiotes

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Eddie was sitting weakly in a bolted down chair in the middle of a sound amplifying room. Eddie could hear some noise from outside, and looked up just in time to see Maisie sprinting toward him. She put earplugs in his ears just before the high frequency speakers were activated, causing Maisie to scream in pain as her and Carnage separated. The sound was exponentially worse for her, due to her heightened sense of hearing.

"Maisie!" Eddie shouted. Once the sound was finally turned off, the ringing in Maisie's ears was still unbearable, and her head throbbed. Carnage re-bonded with Maisie and broke the steel bars that held Eddie to his chair. Maisie caught Eddie's head before it hit the floor, and tried to let him use her as a crutch in order to leave.

"You're too heavy. Do you think you can walk or crawl?" Maisie asked. Eddie shook his head.

"I'm not sure. I can try," he responded. Just then, two women and two men entered the room with smug expressions.

"Look what we've got here, Lasher. They're trying to escape," one of the soldiers nicknamed Scream said.

"Then we've gotta stop 'em," another one, Lasher, said. With that, symbiotes took over all four of the soldiers. Turning them into Scream, Lasher, Agony, and Phage.

"This isn't good...I'm not strong enough to help yet...and you can't stop them alone," Eddie pointed out. Maisie looked determined as she spoke.

"I'll have to for now," Maisie stated. She put Eddie down and stepped toward the four giant symbiotic humans.

"Aw! Such a cute little twerp!" Scream said. "Just give up, kid." Maisie smiled eerily.

"My name is Maisie Brock. I'm seven years old. So that means..." Maisie started before flipping open her switchblade. "I don't listen to anyone." With that, she slid past Scream and cut its leg. It let out a blood curdling screech of pain, especially when Maisie tore the symbiote from its host. However, Agony turned her arm into a sword and cut Maisie's shoulder, causing her arm to reflexively let go of Scream and fall to her side, useless. Then, her whole body got feeling again, and she suddenly felt all of the pain from the large gash in her arm. She screamed in pain. "What? How did I get feeling back?"

I gave it back to you. I made a promise to Cletus Kasady that I'd torment and torture you until my own death!

"Of course you did," Maisie responded. Then she felt herself move out of the way of something sharp.

Don't go dyin' on me now! I still gotta give you all the torture you deserve! Little brat!

"Shut up, Carnage! You're annoying!" Maisie shouted, with more confidence than she'd ever shown to Carnage. As a punishment, Carnage caused her nerves to act up, sending a large amount of pain through her body. She started to scream, but covered her mouth and tried to focus on the threats in front of her. She lunges toward Agony, but every movement she made felt like knives. She tried to ignore it and ripped Agony in half, harshly tearing it away from its host. She threw the symbiote in a smaller sound amplifying box and left it there before going after Lasher. He acted quickly, though, and stabbed her in the arm. She let out a yelp but kept trying to push forward. However, he sent another stake through her leg. She yelped again, continuing. She prepared herself for another blow, but none came.

Venom had gotten up and stabbed Lasher before biting his head off. Then, he grabbed Phage by the foot and flung Phage into a light fixture, electrocuting it. It let out a horrible noise before falling to the ground and detaching from its host. Scream then absorbed Phage and what was left of Lasher. Maisie regained her balance and tried to ignore the intense pain coming from...well, everywhere. Scream didn't see any reason to pay any more mind to the now seriously injured little girl, so she focused on Venom. It extended its arm and wrapped its hand around his throat before lifting him into the air and bringing him closer, ready to absorb him too.

"Leave my daddies alone!" Maisie shouted as she clutched her arm and limped closer to Scream.

"I'm sparing you, little girl. So do yourself a favor and stay out of this," Scream warned.

"No! You're hurting my dads! I can't stay out while you're trying to take them away from me!" Maisie yelled. Scream sighed.

"Fine. I'll kill you first," It decided aloud, throwing Venom aside and into a wall. Scream walked over to Maisie and held her shoulders tightly before unhinging its jaw and getting ready to eat Maisie.

"Maisie! Run away!" Venom ordered. Maisie looked even more determined as she stabbed Scream right through the mouth. Scream let out a screech that caused Maisie's ears to ring. Then, Scream continued down the blade until it was about to eat Maisie, only to stop after leaving bleeding marks on the front and back of her head as she fell to the ground, dead. Standing behind her, was Venom, holding Scream's headless body.

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