TWENTY ONE: San Francisco Zoo

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Maisie and Venom/Eddie went back to their apartment. Eddie was exhausted and fell asleep almost immediately. Maisie just giggled and moved about the apartment, trying to sniff out something to eat. It was easier said than done, honestly. Although, she finally located a bag of Tater Tots.

"Yay! Tater Tots!" Maisie exclaimed, then she remembered that Eddie was sleeping, and she'd have to be quiet. She poured the food into a pan and then remembered. "Wait a minute! I don't know how to use the microwave!"

Eventually, Maisie decided to just eat them cold. They didn't taste as good. They tasted pretty bad, actually. She listened to a random show on television as she ate the food. Then, she finally decided to go to sleep. She turned of the television and laid on the couch, curled up in a little ball.

The next morning, Eddie was the one to wake Maisie up. Maisie rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stood up, only to trip and fall over the coffee table. Eddie helped her back up.

"Since this is the last day you're here for the week, I thought we'd take a trip to the zoo," Eddie explained. Maisie grinned and hopped up and down with excitement.

...Actually, Dr. Skirth was the one who suggested that we all go. Don't lie to the child, Eddie. Lying is bad. I never lie to people before I eat them.

"Shut up, Venom," Eddie retorted instinctively.

Soon, Eddie/Venom, Dr. Skirth, Amelia, Alexander, and Maisie were walking around the zoo, looking at all of the animals. Amelia and Alexander thought that the tigers were cool, and began singing that song that Katy Perry made after the big cats. Maisie spent most of her time around the elephants and rhinos. She liked that they were big enough to make the ground vibrate with just a step.

"I wish I could be that big!" Maisie exclaimed with a grin.

"That'll never happen, though, because you're so tiny," Amelia stated.

"That's only 'cause I'm younger than you," Maisie responded. The three kids then shared a laugh.

" are you alive? I thought you died," Eddie asked. Dora shook her head and shrugged.

"Carlton Drake told me that he still needed me to run tests, so he had Riot revive and heal me completely. I'm glad he did, though. Otherwise, what would've happened to my kids?" Dora explained.

"I have no idea," Eddie replied with a shrug.

That was a rhetorical question, dip$#!7.

"Screw you," Eddie mumbled to Venom.

I'll pass.

Eddie just rolled his eyes, and Dora chuckled.

"Is it Venom again?" She asked. Eddie nodded.

"Unfortunately. I just wish there was an off switch, but even then he'd probably still find a way to be annoying," Eddie remarked.

Don't hurt yourself with such a big word like "unfortunately," Eddie.

"Come on, Venom. You can do better than that," Eddie stated, crossing his arms.

I know...

"Mommy! Can we get ice-cream?!" Amelia and Alexander asked as the two of them rushed over to their mother, who smiled.

"Sure!" She agreed. The two kids looked hopeful. "After we eat lunch." Just like that, their grins turned to frowns, and their heads hung low in disappointment.

"Hey, wait a minute...there should be three of you. Why am I only seeing two?" Eddie asked.

Because that's how many there are, moron.

"Shut up, Venom," Eddie said.

"I dunno. She was just over looking at the elephant," Amelia answered with a shrug. The group simultaneously looked at the elephant enclosure, hoping to see Maisie standing there, staring up at the elephants. But, she wasn't. She had run off. AGAIN! Eddie took off running, frantically looking around to see if he could find Maisie.

"I've got to get a bell for this kid or something," Eddie muttered.

I can't believe you lost her again.

"This wasn't my fault! I didn't lose her," Eddie replied.

Eddie. You are the babysitter, which means that if she's missing, you lost her.

"That's not what that means! She's probably trying to find the food court," Eddie guessed as he took off in the direction of the food court. And there she was. At a little gift shop stand that was covered in stuffed animals and keychains.

As the hours passed, more and more people began to leave. Eddie, Dora, Amelia, Alexander, and Maisie, however, left just as the woman over the loudspeaker announced that the zoo would be closing in 30 minutes. The group booked it back to Dora's van and climbed in. Amelia and Alexander ended up getting toys from one of the gift shops. Alexander got a lion, and Amelia got a penguin. Maisie didn't think she got anything because she insisted on not spending Eddie or Dora's money. However, Eddie bought her a stuffed saber tooth tiger, because she had told him that they were her favorite big cats.

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