SIX: The Interview

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The next morning, Eddie got ready to leave for his interview. He explained a few things to Maisie before walking out of the apartment. However, once he got downstairs and was about to leave, Maisie caught up with him.

"Mr. Brock...." she said before hugging Eddie. "Be careful during your job...."

"You don't need to worry about us," Venom replied. Eddie nodded and patted Maisie's head.

"Yeah. Now go back up to the apartment. I can't take you with me this time," Eddie advised. Maisie nodded and ran back upstairs to the apartment.

Eddie arrived at the San Quentin Prison and was thoroughly checked by police before being led to Cletus Kasady's prison cell in solitary confinement. Kasady smiled creepily when he recognized Eddie.

"Welcome back, Eddie. How've ya been lately?" Kasady asked.

"I'm the one that's supposed to be asking the questions, Mr. Kasady," Eddie remarked. Kasady nodded.

"Of course. Ask away," he agreed.

"Alright...some of the other inmates are claiming that you've mentioned a plan of escaping the prison. Is that true?" Eddie asked. Kasady shook his head, but smiled slightly.

"No. But you can't really believe anything anyone tells you here, Eddie," Kasady responded.

"I don't like the way he said that...." Venom admitted.

"Shut up," Eddie whispered. Kasady's smile grew.

"They're amazing, aren't they?" He asked. Eddie raised an eyebrow at him.

"What?" He said.

"The symbiotes. They're just like us, but better," Kasady stated.

"What world do you live in?" Eddie questioned.

"The same world as you and your symbiote...." Kasady replied.

"I don't have a symbiote," Eddie lied. "I do have a Parasite, though."

"Parasite?!" Venom shouted. "Take that back right now or I'll eat your liver!"

"So, tell me something about yourself that no one else knows," Eddie suggested, writing down notes in a notebook.

"How is she, Eddie?" Kasady asked, now grinning widely. Eddie stopped writing and looked at Kasady.

"Who?" He asked.

"Little Maisie. Is she having fun?" Kasady asked.

"Eddie....he knows...." Venom stated. Eddie nodded.

"I know," he replied to Venom. Then, Eddie shook his head. "I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Kasady."

"Sure you do. I know she's with you. You see, that kid is a very important part of my plans," Kasady admitted. Eddie shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about," he lied.

"Don't lie to me, Eddie. Just tell me that she's still at your apartment," Kasady said.

"No one is at my apartment. I live alone," Eddie replied. Kasady shook his head.

"That's a lie. I know it is. And soon, I'm gonna get a special call saying that they're bringing her back here to help get me out," Kasady stated. Suddenly, Eddie's entire face dropped.

"You sent people to my apartment?!" He questioned.

"Yep. You see, I threatened some of the guards' families in order to get them to do me this favor. And I'm gonna fulfill the promise I made last time you were here," Kasady warned. Eddie stepped closer to the prison cell.

"Tell your friends to call it off. There's no one there, I swear. It's just a waste of their time," Eddie lied again.

"It's far too late. They're probably already at your apartment. Why else do you think I asked for this extra interview?" Kasady asked.

"If you have something personal against me, that's fine. We can settle that right here. But don't drag that little girl into this just because you don't have the balls to fight fair," Eddie begged. "And what do you want with Maisie anyway? You don't even know her."

"Of course I do...." Kasady denied with a smile. "I'm the one who named her."

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