Chapter 8

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Jessica's PoV
Friday! The last day of school before the weekend and my date with Clare is tonight!

Sarah woke us both up, and I was happy for once! Pure buzzing for tonight! I got dressed in the bathroom then did my hair, teeth and makeup.
I was the second one from our house to be next door. Granda was already there, sitting in his armchair, watching the TV, with Anna on his lap.

"You seem really happy this morning." Mary commented, handing me a cup of tea.
"Yeah. I'm excited for tonight! Dinner with Clare." She gave me a strange look but brushed it off.
I haven't actually told the adults about me being gay. Part of me is so worried that they won't like me. That I'll be ostracised from the family, and I won't have anyone left. I mean, my parents didn't mind or Jenni. They all supported me.
I would consider myself a confident person, but there's just somethings I cannot bring myself to share with others.
Like normal, Clare, Erin, Orla and myself stopped off at Dennis' shop. We got our usual supply for school.
I started humming to myself. The tune of 'Dreams'. Erin noticed and joined in. Orla and Clare followed. We were quickly having our own little concert in the middle of the shop.
"Oi!" Dennis snapped. We all stopped and looked at him. "What do you think this place is? A Cranberries fan club?"
"We're just singing, Dennis, it's no big deal." Erin replied.
"It is a big deal. It's a very big fucking deal! I don't let you into my shop to sing and ruin my hearing! You're here for one thing and one thing only, to give me your pocket money."
"He sounds just like a bully out of those American films." Orla whispered. I cracked a smile.
"Think it's funny do you, Braveheart?"
"No sir." I bit my lips.
"Why don't you like people being happy, Dennis? Are you that much of a sad person?" Erin commented. 'Unleash the beast.' I thought to myself.
"Get out!" He screamed. The four of us jumped and sprinted out into the street.
"Free sweets!" Orla beamed.
"How have we not been banned yet?" Clare asked.
"He loves us secretly." Erin replied.
The school bus was stopped and searched once again. I don't think myself or James will ever get used to this, no matter how long we end up living here for.
I couldn't really focus on school, I was just wishing it would hurry up and end so I could go out.
I ended up getting yelled at a couple of times by different teachers for being so zoned out.
Once the nightmare that is school was over, Michelle and I sauntered about the shopping centre, looking for an outfit for tonight.
We went into some posh dress place.

I trailed behind my friend and she scoured the shop trying to find the perfect outfit.
"Your baps need to go on display." Michelle announced in the middle of the shop. "You have a nice rack, show it off." A couple of women glanced at us with a weird expression. I brushed them off. "Thanks. Nothing slutty though."
"I've got this. You've got money with you, right? I would have taken me ma's card but last time that happened the clothes were ruined and I couldn't take them back."
"Aye, I've money, but it's not an endless amount, so don't go crazy."
"Jess, stop worrying. Sit over there, and give me five minutes." I did what I was told. Michelle disappeared into the heart of the store. I played with my nails while I waited.

After the longest five minutes, Michelle came back with a pile of clothes, she dumped them on my lap. "Go! Give us a fashion show!" I let out a sigh before going to the changing rooms.

Some of the outfits were really nice, but they weren't really me. I tried on a short purple dress with spaghetti straps. I opened the changing room door and saw Michelle's mouth drop.
"That's the one! You look hot! And your tits look amazing!"
"I really like it!"
"Good! Cause you have to wear it!" It was a bonus as it was the cheapest one in the pile.

The walk home was nice. Michelle talked about how three guys were fawning over her, but she wasn't sure who she preferred.
"I mean, the last time I dated two guys at once was at prom. They both worked out was happening and I ended up single."
"Well don't bring to the same date. Go on a date with each of them, at different times, then decide."
"Oh that's a good point."
"You wouldn't actually have brought them on the same date, would you?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Jesus, Elle."
"What? I'm sure back home you had all the lesbians swooning over you."
"Well, there wasn't that many, but I suppose you could say that's what happened."
"Bit of a player, were ye?" She smirked.
"God no! You wish!"
"How many girlfriends have you had?"
"Two. One was an amazing relationship but the other, not so much. She was mentally abusive and controlling."
"What a bitch! Who'd want to hurt you?! What happened?"
"She used suicide to get what she wanted. I don't want to talk about it. But these lads, what does your gut say?"
"My gut? Ride all three till they break. Or until I do."
"Christ." My eyes almost popped out my head.
Michelle threw Orla out of the bedroom so I could get ready. I did my makeup whilst Michelle did my hair. She curled it and tied pieces of it back with butterfly clips.
"Clare is gonna be so shocked! But she'll love it! You're beautiful."
"Thanks, Michelle.

Downstairs, my aunties were gossiping in the kitchen. Gerry was out, Granda sat in his usual seat watching tv, and my cousins, they were sitting on the sofa talking.
"Oh wow, you look..." Mary's eyes were wide. Sarah stood next to her, also in shock. "You've really made an effort for dinner!"
"It's not too much is it? I did the makeup myself. Michelle chose my outfit and did my hair."
"Naw, it's good!" My aunties exchanged a look.
"You look beautiful." Sarah smiled.
"Listen, love, this dinner with, Clare, is it a friend thing? I'm only asking because, well, she's a lesbian, and you've really gone full out." Mary awkwardly asked.
"What would you say? If I was gay?"
"Nothing. We would still love you and support you."
"Aye of course we would. Nothing you could do would make us think badly of you, love." Sarah softly spoke.
"Well I am. I've had a couple girlfriends before, but I really like Clare and she likes me. We're not dating or anything, we wanted to see how tonight went before deciding anything."
"Ach, come here love." Sarah held her arms out. I gladly hugged her.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For not kicking me out."
"We would never." My aunty Sarah played with my hair. "We love you too much."
"Aye, I'm happy for you." Mary smiled.
"You look class!" Erin gasped.
"Aye, you really do!" Orla grinned. The doorbell rang.
"It's Clare!" I squeaked. I turned away to face the door. Granda was now standing, smiling at me.
"You'll be grand!" Erin answered the door.
Clare walked into the house, wearing a pink dress. She looked gorgeous!
"You're beautiful." I smiled.
"So are you!"
"Girls have fun!" Mary said.
"We will!" Clare replied.
"Thank you." I got a kiss from both Mary and Sarah.
"Jessie, come here." Granda motioned me over.
"Why didn't you tell us until now?"
"Because I didn't know how you would take it."
"There's nothing you or your cousins could do to upset us. Go and have some fun, here." He handed me some money. "Have a nice night." I gave him a hug.
"Thanks, granda."
"You ready?" Clare asked. I nodded my head and took her hand.
Clare and I went to a nice Italian restaurant. It was quiet. We ordered a pizza and garlic bread to share.
"I know I've already said this, but you are beautiful." I smiled, finishing a slice of pizza.
"No body has ever said that to me before. Apart from my mother. I don't get it."
"Get what?"
"You had the chance to be one of the popular girls, friends with Charlene. But you turned her down to be friends with us. And now we're on a date. Someone like you could get which ever girl you wanted, well, if they were gay. I mean, you had David Donnelly chasing after you! He's one of the most popular boys out there!"
"Why would I want to be friends with her? She's boring. I love you guys, there's never a dull moment. And as for you, you're kind. You're pretty. And caring."
"Thanks." Her cheeks turned a rosy red. "You've been so kind to me, especially when Erin wasn't. I really want this to work for us."
"So do I." I replied.
Our date was lovely. It truly was. We walked back to Clare's. She waved to me from her bedroom window as I walked back to Erin's where my family were eagerly awaiting my arrival, to grill me on what happened.
I told them that it was fun and we'd agreed to go out again in a couple weeks. My aunties were actually beaming for me. I'm so lucky to have a family that care about me and accept me for me. For once, I went to bed with a smile on my face.

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