Chapter 2

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Jessica's POV
I stood awkwardly in Belfast airport. All I knew was that I was waiting for someone. A social worker.
A woman came hurrying in.
"Are you Jessica Murphy?"
"I am." I replied.
"I'm Siobhan. Come with me."
The only thing I know about why I'm here is because apparently I have family. I knew my parents were Irish but they never spoke about why they left.
My ears will still funny from the plane.
I was taken out to a small car. My suitcase was put into the boot and I sat in the back. Bear lay beside me.
I plugged my headphones into the Walkman and pressed play on a mixtape.
The car pulled up outside a row of houses. One on the end was red in colour next to were two white houses. I was led up to the house in the middle.
I stopped the Walkman. I took my case out of the boot and dragged it up behind me to the front door. Bear trailed up behind me. Siobhan rang the bell and a woman with brown hair that was tied up into a bun. Her makeup was pristine. "Hello Jessica."
"Hi." I shyly smiled back.
"I'm Siobhan. I just needed to make sure you were in and here to take Jessica. I'll be back later in the week for a proper conversation."
"Thank you, Siobhan." They shook hands and the social worker took off.

I was welcomed into the house. We went into the living room. I stood awkwardly with my case at my feet, picked Bear up and hugged him.
"Everyone is out. The girls are at school, my sister and brother-in-law are at work.. And my dad is out, shopping. I've taken the day off. Who is this wee cutie?" She knelt down to Bear.
"This is Bear. They gave me the option of putting him up for adoption, but I can't leave him. What is everyone called? I wasn't told."
"Sorry, love. I'm Sarah. Your da's baby sister. This is my house. I live here with my daughter and dad. Orla's not quite a year a younger than you. Next door is my sister's. Your aunt Mary. She lives there with her daughters, Erin and Anna, and her husband, Gerry. Erin's the same age as you and Anna's two."
"Oh. Okay."
"You know. I remember meeting you when you were a day old. And seeing your big sister who was so excited to have a wee sister."
"Yeah, my dad told me about you. And Aunt Mary, granny and grandpa."
"What happened?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why did I grow up never seeing you?"
"There was a problem. We are a Catholic family. But your mam was protestant. And your granda wasn't a fan of Connor marrying someone who wasn't catholic. And when Connor moved away, we kept in touch with him but over the years our connection was broken and we never heard from him again. Until yesterday. And it wasn't even him."
"But your granda really regrets everything. He told me and Mary yesterday. He means it, and he can't wait to meet you."
It was a slow day. Aunt Sarah took me to see some of Derry, and I met Anna before anyone else, as we picked her up from nursery. Such a gorgeous wee girl!

I then met Orla and Erin. Then Gerry and Aunt Mary. Grandpa was last.

"Hi." I stood in front of my grandfather.
"Hello Jessica. It's lovely to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too." I felt uncomfortable. Probably because of what happened between him and my dad. Despite that, I threw myself to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I started crying. Hysterically crying. "I miss him so much."
"I miss him too." He replied. Hugging me tightly. When he let me go, I dried my eyes and apologised. Grandpa said that I had nothing to apologise for, and that he was sorry for all the drama he had caused.

The rest of the night was spent getting to know my family. They seem really nice. But I won't lie, I've never felt so homesick in all my life.

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