Chapter 1

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Jessica and I get out keys and find our way to building c that contains our dorm room.

"This is so awesome Ana! Everything is falling into place!" Jessica squeals exciteadly as we unlock the door of our room, that we will be living in for the next year of school.

Jessica rushes rushes into the room and starts dancing around squealing. I walk in slowly judging the room that smells quite new.

It's a tiny room with two loft beds with desks under neith with swirly chairs. I look around some more and locate two closets with with a few drawrs inside. I immediatialy think, how in the world am I going to fit all my clothes in there!?

"It's perfect!" Jessica exlaims as she inspects the room once more, before walking to get her bags.

I sigh before I walk out to do the same. It'll do. The room was tiny and claustrophobic, but it'll do. At least I have my best friend and my boyfriend Ashton to help conquor freshman year of college.

Ashton. My stomach should drop when I think of him right? But, my stomach doesn't drop, my heart doesn't skip a beat either, I just think of him as another friend.

I used to get that way thinking about of him, and all clammy and nervous and totally blushy. Now, it's almost like he's my brother. My totally hot brother. I laugh at the thought.


"Find your room?" My father asks as he pops the trunk of the car.

"Yeah." I say as I start to unload all my stuff.

My dad takes a few bags in his arms and heads in the directions I gave him, as my mom chats with Jessica's.

I grab my underganments box full of bras and panties and head for the room. I walk into the building that I told my dad to go to. Crap! This is dorm room building b. I decide to drop off the heavy box before I look for my dad.

When I walk into a deserted hall way of rooms. Suddenly I trip over my own two feet while my undergarnments go every where.

I get up ignoring the stinging pain on myknee and try to pick up all of my under garnments.

All of a sudden two big hands pick up my black lace bra. I look up to see Mr. Styles holding the sexiest bra I own. I snatch it from his hands.

"Miss. Bloom we meet again." He says as he helps me up.

"Not in the appropriate circumstances." I say and blush a little.

"It was definitly a first for me." He says as he picks up the box. "Where am I bringing this?"

"Floor 3 room 12, thank you." I say as I look towards the stairs.

"My pleasure." He says.

We start walking to the stairs when arms wrap around my stomach from behind.

"Hey babe." A voice says into my ear.

"Hey Ashy!" I say with a little enthusiasm.

He kisses mt cheek and walks towards Mr. Styles taking the box from him.

"I can take this from here." Ashton says kindly .

"Of course." Mr. Styles answers clenching his jaw and walks away.


"There you are Ashton!" Jessica yelps and gives him a side hug.

"Hey." He replies running his hand through his hair.

"Better keep your hands on Ana's ass, a total hottie be checking her out." Jessica says as she hangs up a Justin Timberlake poster.

Ashton looks at me with a confused expression on his face.

"I'm not jealous," he says "I know you'll stay true to me."

"Thank you," I say putting a comforter on my bed, "Besides I'm not into him, he's a teacher."

"A very hot teacher!" Jessica teases.

I hit her with my pillow.

"Okay he's not that hot." I say matter a factly tone in my voice.

"Who is this "hottie" anyway? He's a teacher? What does he look like?" Ashton bumbards me with questions.

Before I can answer a sweaty middle aged man with salt n' pepper hair comes in the dorm room holding familliar bags.

"Oh my gosh, dad I totally forgot to come and get you!" I say rushing to his aid.

"It's alright," he says as he sits in my desk chair still out of breath, " Just promise me you won't be this forgetful with your school work."

"I promise I won't." I say going back to making my bed.


Ashton answers his black iphone 5s.

"Hello?"......"Okay,"...."I'm with Ana"...."Okay mom."

He disconnects the phone and slides it into his pocket.

"I have to split." He says before kissing my cheek. "I'll call you later."

"Okay." I say kissing his cheek back.


It's been an hour since we started unpacking when our mothers walk in with a few boxes of pizza. I am starved.

"This place looks great you guys!" Jessica's mom squeals as she looks around the room.

My mom walks over to me and says "Indeed it does."

She gives me a side hug before walking over to my dad to give him a kiss.

Jessica's mom looks away in pain and countinues to help Jessica unpack. I still remember when Jessica's dad left. We were 6. Her dad left. We were 6 and her dad was like her best friend, they did everything together. So him leaving to live in texas was a huge dramatic change. A 3,000 mile change. We live in Connecticut. You don't hear much about that state, except in history class when you learn that, thats where our constitusion came from.

Jessica is just boy crazy always trying to get boys attention. My mom once told me that it was because her dad isn't around, and that she just wanted male attention. I guess it's true.

"Lets eat!" My mom says.

I shake the thoughts from my head and eat 4 slices of pizza.

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