Chapter 2

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It has been like a year since I updated and I'm so sorry I just didn't really know where to take the story but I have an idea now so I'll be updating a lot more. Love you all very much!!!❤️❤️


I woke up to the smell of coffee and donuts taking over my senses. I sit up slowly stretching out my arms and yawning.

"Morning, Ana." Jess smirks at me as she picks up her Starbucks coffee cup and puts it to her lips, before she takes a long sip that makes me long for coffee.

"Good morning." I say getting out of the tiny bed. I hop off the ladder and head straight to the coffee calling my name.

After I take a few sips of the liquid warmth, I look around the tiny bedroom. It's still a mess and my OCD kicks in. I want to clean it so I can decorate the place. I've always had this thing where I have to clean my room before I can decorate it. Every September I'd rearrange my bedroom and decorate it with new pictures and posters from my favorite book, Harry Potter.

"That professor guy was really into you, huh?" Jess begins in a pressing tone.

"Ugh!" I groan in frustration. "I have a boyfriend and I don't like him! And he doesn't like me either so just shut up!"

"Jesus calm down," Jess says equally annoyed. "Drink the coffee, eat your rainbow sprinkled donut, and calm the hell down."

It bothers me so much that she thinks that I or Mr. Styles is interested in each other.  He's a teacher and he probably has a girlfriend, and I have a boyfriend.

"Whatever." I answer shortly. I take a bite of my donut glaring at her making it obvious I was annoyed.

"Anyway the parents are meeting us for lunch at 'Three Tomatoes' at 12:30. I was thinking we could finish unpacking before then..?" She asks waiting for my approval.

"Yes, sure." I say, I really want to get this room cleaned up anyway.

"Look I'm sorry I won't bring up the teacher again. I hate it when your mad at me!"

I take a deep breath and exhale it before saying, "Fine, I forgive you."

She walks towards me and gives me a hug, "Now let's get this tiny room cleaned up!"

We start by unpacking the rest of our clothes and putting them into our closets. Jess's clothes barely fit while i still have an inch or two of room left.

"Damn,  I go shopping way too much, don't I?" Jess asks out of breath like she just ran ten miles in a marathon.

"Definitely." I laugh.

We haven't accomplished much and I start to wonder what to do next. Should we organize our desks or should we throw away all the card board boxes? Or should we put away-

"ANA!" Jess yells.

She startles me, I was just on a good train of thought, "What?!" I snap back.

"I've been trying to get your attention for like ever!"

"I'm sorry I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" Jess asks like it could be serious.

"About what to do next with our room."

"Oh, well what were you thinking? I was thinking of making the beds because they look disastrous?"

"Yeah, sure sounds good. After we make the beds lets organize the desks?" I offer.

"Yeah totally."


We had just finished organizing the desks before a loud knock interrupted our conversation about whether or not I could hang up my Harry Potter posted or not.

"Can you answer it?" Jess asks. " I'm too lazy to do it myself." She says whining, she was lounging on her swivel chair and did not look like she was ever going to get up.

"Fine, but only if I can hang up my Harry Potter posted." I negotiated. She was refusing to hang it up because she claimed it to be ugly.

"No way!" She protested. I laugh at her before opening the door.

My eyes widen and my breath hitches. It was professor Styles and I was still in my pajamas and it was 10:45.

"Um, hi professor styles. What brings you to my dorm room?" I ask shyly.

"Miss. Bloom, good morning. The dean of students in this building asked me to hand out schedules to all the students." He says professionally.

Oh, my face falls. Was I hoping he wanted to talk to me? I don't know anymore. I am in love with my boyfriend. I am in love with my boyfriend. I can't have these thoughts. But, he's just so hot. His eyes glisten over as I think of what to say next.

"Oh, well, my room mate and I are both here.." I say awkwardly. Crap. That sounded so weird. Why am I trying to impress him again?

"Ok.." He says looking through dozens of schedules. "Here is your schedule," he says handing it to me, "And what is your room mates name?"

"Jessica Betch." I say and a little laugh comes after it.

Professor Styles exchanges a smirk and hands over her schedule as well. "You and her both have my philosophy class. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow Miss. Bloom, and your room mate Miss. Betch."

"Yeah, I look forward to it too." I say and then immediately regretting it. I am so stupid what the hell.

He walks away momentarily to the next room and I close the door putting my back to the door and bang my head against it. This is not happening to me. I'm not having feelings for an older boy let alone a teacher. I have a boyfriend for heavens sake!

"Who was at the door?" Jess asks before taking a sip of her remaining coffee that is probably cold by now.

"A teacher. He just dropped off our schedules." I explain, I left out the part where the teacher was professor styles. I didn't need her commentary right now.

"Ohhhh yay!!" She jumps up skipping towards me although there was like no room to do so in this dorm. "Do we have any classes together?"

We compare schedules immediately.

"We have English and Philosophy!" She squeals. She's so excited, is it bad I'm not? I don't want her to catch me drooling at our teacher, and possibly telling Ash.

"Yay!" I fake a smile and turn to my closet. "We should start to get ready. We need to leave in an hour if we're going to be at the restaurant in an hour." I start to browse my not so big clothes selection.

"You and being on time." She laughs.

A/N I will update again soon I promise! It won't take another year either!! Love you all lots!!❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2015 ⏰

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