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            P.OV Ana

   My palms were sweaty and I had a lump in my throat. I'm about to leave everything behind. All the drama that goes on in high school will be gone, no more immature teens, back-stabbing bitches, or even over protective parents. Right? But then again would I miss it? No way. What am I saying!?

    I step out of the car and take a deep breath. I look around me and see people with boxes, bags, and suit cases in everyone's hands looking confused on where to go. I scratch my head with a puzzled look on my face.

       College. College at my dream school. Harvard. My mom still has the keep sake t-shirt that I wore all the time since I was two.

      I see Jessica's moms car and run though the crowd to meet the car with my best friend in it.

    I run so fast that I forget about everyone around me. WHAM!

     I bumped, well more like ran into a tall boy that wasn't even affected by my clumsy running.

     "I-I'm sorry." I say quietly, and a bit timid of what he'd do.

     "It's alright Miss....." he said waiting for me to fill him in.

     That's when I saw it. He was handsome. He has semi shaggy curly hair and his smile was killing me. And his lips were so tempting  to-Wait what am I saying!? I have a boyfriend who will be here any minute!

     "Miss. Bloom." I say more confidently than the last words that I spoke.

     He smiles and puts out his hand for me to shake it.

     "Miss. Bloom it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm the philosophy teacher here at Harvard. I'm Mr. Styles." He says as we shake hands.

     My cheeks burn at the embarrassment of my earlier thoughts. He's a teacher. I was just thinking of kissing a teacher. He's so young he could only be 4 years older than me tops.

     "Ana!" Someone yells.

     I look around to find the source. I see a girl waving at me with semi long dirty blonds hair with freckles on her cheeks with bright blue eyes. Jessica. She's so pretty. And she's my best friend. She can be rude and mean but she means well - most of the time.

    "It was a pleasure meeting you Miss. Bloom, I hope to see you around." Mr. Styles says before walking off to some red headed boy find his way.

     "Hey girl!" Jessica yells while her arm slings  around my neck.

      "Hey!" I say back, with some enthusiasm in my voice.

      "Who was that hot guy? Your new boyfriend?!" She questions and raises her eye brows at me while we walk towards the stand with our room keys.

       I laugh and playfully smack her stomach.

       "Jessica! I already have a boyfriend! Ashton Irwin! Ring a bell?!" I say in a playful way.

       "Oh, yeah, that guy."

       "Besides, he's the philosophy teacher." I say almost seriously.

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