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"I hate you!" She shrieked at me as she mad he way towards the door.

"Poppy! Stop! Poppy, I didn't mean it!" I screamed back. She turned around tears streaming down her face.

"That was the last time, Harry. The last time I le-"


I shot up, I was covered in sweat and was freezing cold. I heard the door open and Louis came and sat down.

"I was screaming again wasn't I?" I gave a short laugh, but it came out more as a squek. He nodded his head and looked up at me, eyes filled with sympathy.

"Haz, can you please tell me?" I looked at him and quickly looked down shaking my head. He sighed and got up and made his way towards the door.

"Stay? Please?" He sighed and nodded before making his way toward my bed. I lifted the covers so he could lay down and he slipped in. I smiled and laughed my head on his chest and fell back asleep.


"Harry!" She shrieked in between giggles as she pounded at my back.

"Oh my Poppy! Have you gained some weight?" I pretended to huff and she hit me upside the head. "geez chill! You know I was joking!"

"Psh, I knew that!" I chuckled and set her down, she smirked at me.

"Catch me if you can Styles!" She screamed and started running down the field.

"Oh, I'll catch you!" I darted after her and tackled her onto the ground.

"I wuv you Pawpy!" I said as I licked her face.

"Eww! Well, I don't, now!" I smirked.

"So you used to? Always knew you couldn't handle being around this all day without wanting to get in my pants!" I climbed off of her and striked a pose, making sure to show off my muscles. She erupted into laughter and I frowned. "Fine! Then I'll be leaving!" I spun around on my heal and stuck my hand out and wiggled my bum as a walked.

"Harry! That is not how I walk!"

"Oh yeah, your right you walk like this." I got on my hands and knees and stuck my bum up high and wiggled it as I 'crawled'.

"I'm sorry, didn't know we were mistaking me for you!" She said as she jumped on my back. I chuckled and lugged her up and stood up making our way to my house.


"Louis?" I made my way into the kitchen where Louis was, attempting to make toast. "Lou? How long has it been in for?"

"Three minutes." I rushed past him and hit the button letting the toast pop out. Burnt. I chuckled and put in another peice. I shook my head and threw the peice of toast in the trash and grabbing a plate before getting the butter. The toast popped up and I took it out and buttered it before giving it to Lou.

"Thanks Hazzy!" I chuckled and nodded my head before heading back to my room. I closed the door and stripped out of my cloths and changed into something random, making my way back to the kitchen. Grabbing an apple, I reached over and took my coat of the chair making my way to the door.

"Where ya goin'?"

"Out." He nodded his head and I slipped out the door closing it behind me. I made my way down the hall and stopped at the elevator, hitting the button. Nobody else was on, which I was thankful for because fans wouldn't hound us at the hotel while we are here. The elevator came to a stop and I pulled up my hood and put on my ray bans making my way out of the hotel and into the street.

I know we aren't suppose to go without body guards, but I mean come on we need to live a little! I mean is fame really getting to us all that much? I rounded the corner and walked into the shop. It was full of jewelry, and NO I am not buying for me, I'm buying for Lou. I chuckled and shook my head, no I'm not can you imagine Lou with a pretty pink diamond necklace? That would be a sight!

"Hello sir, do you need any help?"

"Actually, yes."

"And who may you be shopping for?"

"Erm.... My... Girlfriend." He nodded and smiled.

"Braclet, necklace, or a ring?" I thought and shook my head.

"Do you have anklets?" The man nodded and brought me over to a counter.

"Now, do you have a price range and what would you like it to look like?"

"No price range, and I would say either something blue or with diamonds." He nodded and searched the case before smirking and pulling out a silver, diamond crested ankle braclet with dolphin charms. I gasped and nodded rapidly. He smirked and we walked over to the cash out area.

"That will be $9,789.99." I took in a breath realizing it was all the american money I had for the next few weeks. I sighed and took out my wallet and handed him the cash. He smiled handing me back the receipt and the box. I thanked him and tucked them both in my pocket. I waved as I left the shop and headed back to the hotel. I walked in and to the elevator pressing the top floor. The elevator stopped and I walked out and to my room. Opening the door, I looked around and walked in on all the boys talking.

"We need to talk." Liam said and I gulped.





PSH, AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be deciding my updating routine next update!

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