Chapter Forty-six: Blood Moon

Start from the beginning

"Are you insane? I'll be damned if I let you fight that scoundrel alone!" Sofia had her fists planted on her hips as she towered over Genevieve. "Know this, Sofia Hayden has never ever backed out from a fight. We're in this together."

Genevieve shook her head again and opened her mouth to protest, "But..."

"And that is the end of this discussion," Sofia concluded with finality. "We're going to tell my husband right away after we rescue your brother. We'll have your brother, evidence against the royal pervert and also all his money and power snatched out of his hands. Max would be happy when I'll deliver a packed up Mevil in the middle of his palm, you'll see how he then shoves Mevil inside a jail cell for an eternity."

Genevieve snapped her mouth shut seeing the devilish glint in Sofia's eyes.

The inner badass has awakened.


"You're not going to tell me where we're going, are you?" Sofia asked for the tenth time.

"I'm more inclined to show you, darling," was Max's reply.

Max had returned home earlier than usual, after texting her from the office to get ready in casual wear for he was taking her out. She had been investigating relentlessly since then about his plans for the night, but the guy was completely unyielding with his secrecy.

Dramatically Sofia sighed in defeat.

Glancing at her briefly Max smiled while changing the gear. "I'm positive, Sof, that you'll like it," he said. "Don't worry."

Sofia raised a brow. "Aren't you quite the over-confident?"

"Perhaps, I am," Max nodded, his eyes on the road as the car sped through the busy street. "Or perhaps I'm not, it may be that I'm just really good at putting up a steady face, we lawyers are well trained at that you know. However, I hope my overconfidence is working in my favor? They say that women always adore men who are absolutely confident in their skin."

"More adoring is when we women peel off that skin of confidence and reveal the real man with fears and flaws underneath," She looked out the window.

"And you've already succeeded in doing so."

She moved her face to look at Max. Their eyes met briefly, and his sparkled with silent words while hers took it all in.

Soon, he had stopped the car before a huge building, a sky-scraper to be precise. Sofia recognized it to be the highest one of the city and remembered there was a multi-starred restaurant in it along with other different business institutions.

"Come," Getting out the car, like a perfect gentleman he went to hold the car door open for her and put a large hand on her lower back to guide her to the building's entrance.

Sofia smiled up at him as they walked, the side of her body leaning into his warmth instinctively. She held all her questions in, showing a tolerant forefront while feeling the actual opposite on the inside. She guessed he was going to take her into that restaurant she had heard of but was surprised when the elevator they got in kept going up and up.

"Don't tell me you're taking me to the roof?" She asked at last, feeling highly suspicious.

In reply, Max placed a chaste kiss on her temple.

Finally the elevator door dinged open, and surely, they were on the freaking roof!

Max chuckled as her brows almost touched her hairline. "No need to fret so much, I'm not going to push you off the roof."

"But I was thinking you'll yourself jump off," she clucked her tongue.

All the way up to the roof his hand was firmly placed on her lower back, now it slid around her waist as though he was half embracing her. "I might just do it, that is if you don't get charmed by my efforts."

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