Awake [2]

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Your eyes drifted open as beams of sunlight hit your pupils. You blinked softly and became aware of your surroundings.

Suddenly the memories of before came rushing back - the texts, the muscular arm, the cloth. And then you realised where you were.

You were in a huge, man-sized, white crib. There was a huge pink and white spotted mattress laid over you and you realised you were completely naked. Well, not completely. You looked under the covers and found a huge, man-sized diaper covering your genitals and butt. You got up out of the covers and tried to get out of the crib but it was covered on top as well as at the sides with white, wooden bars. They were just big enough so that you couldn't escape the crib, but you could easily see through it. You were trapped. You tried to crawl out of the crib but it was no use. You tried to scream or make some noise out of your mouth before realising your lips were covered with tape. You were powerless.

You looked up and saw a huge, bulky, young man watching over you. You scrambled to the back of the crib, petrified. He chuckled and smiled at you. You were still fully naked.

"My baby's finally awake." He grinned.
"I hope you enjoyed your sleep, little one." He continued. "I made your crib nice and cosy. I figured you wouldn't want to get hot in there, so I took your clothes off for you. You won't need those ones anyway now." He chuckled.
You started to try to crawl out of the crib and make a run for it but you couldn't get anything out apart from your flailing arms.

"Awh, baby boy wants his playtime already!" He grinned. "So enthusiastic."
You tried to shake the crib but it didn't do anything. There was a small locked door that could be opened from the outside next to you, so you tried to wrap your arms around it to unlock it and free yourself, but you couldn't reach. He chuckled.

"Since you're so impatient, let's get on with it." He said. He bent down and unlocked the crib. You leaped out, and tried to make a run for it but he just picked you up effortlessly, bridal-style. He closed the crib door. You squirmed and squealed under the tape but he gripped you under his muscular arms.

He was so much taller than you, you couldn't do anything other than let him take control. He laughed under his breath as he held you up by your armpits, bouncing you up and down. Your diaper brushed against his shirt. You got a chance to look at the room around you. It was all shades of pink, with baby's and toddler's toys spread across the floor. There was an array of dangling displays from the ceiling and a huge TV in the top corner of the room. It displayed a blue screen with a list of text on it.

"This is your new room," He said, gripping you by the waist. "I can tell you already love it."

"My name's Noah, but you won't be calling me that. He bent his head over to you. "You're calling me Daddy." He whispered. "And Daddy has some really important rules you need to follow." He pointed up at the TV screen, with a huge title that read 'Daddy's Rules.'

He gave you a kiss on the forehead. "Daddy's going to leave you in your room now, but he'll come back soon." He said. "By the time I get back, you should know the rules, and you'll know how to be a good boy, and not a naughty boy." He stated. "Naughty boys get punishments." He furrowed his eyebrows and pressed his nose against yours, frowning.

He put you down, adjusting to sitting on your diaper as he made his way to the door. It wasn't really a door — there was only a huge, barred, clickable cage doors. The kind they put in baby's rooms so that they can't escape. Only this one was much bigger, so that you couldn't escape.

He clicked the door closed and walked out of sight. You were completely shocked but also bewildered. You instantly tried to take the tape off of your lips, but it just wouldn't budge. You then tried to take your diaper off but it just wouldn't budge either. All you could do was helplessly sit in the room. You eventually decided to do as he said and looked up at the TV screen. It had a set of rules displayed.

Daddy's Rules.

1. You must always refer to Daddy as Daddy.

2. You must do everything Daddy says and do everything Daddy wants you to do.

3. You must always eat and drink everything Daddy gives you.

4. You must not speak like a grown-up, you can only speak like a baby. You can't say any words properly apart from 'Daddy.'

5. You must never leave your room until Daddy says you can.

6. You must always follow Daddy's rules or Daddy will have to punish you for being a naughty boy.

You couldn't quite take it in. You just kept reading the rules and re-reading them over and over again. For some reason, you felt your dick get hard underneath your diaper. You tried to stand up before realising that the diaper was so heavy it just pulled you down every time. All you could do was crawl over to the baby toys. There were LEGOs, plushies, blankets and much much more.

Suddenly you heard the cage door click open and turned around to see Noah stepping in and clicking it closed. He was carrying a milk bottle and a towel. You clutched a nearby plushie.
"You seem to be settling in just perfect." He beamed. "You're being such a good boy for Daddy already."

He walked over to you.
"I think it's about time you had some milka wilka wilkies!" He teased. He bent down to you and put the towel and bottle next to him, before reaching his fingers toward the tape still over your mouth. He ripped it off.

"Ow!" You screamed. He put his chiselled finger over your lips.
"Shhh." He whispered. He picked up the milk bottle and shoved it in your mouth. You tried to shake your head away but he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Good boys drink their milk to be big and strong." He said. "Bad boys don't drink the milkies Daddy gives them."

You tried to squirm away but he just picked you up into his arms and rested his hand against your forehead, gently holding your head still. He squeezed the milk bottle and the warm liquid slid down your throat. He held you softly, rocking you and squeezing the milk down your throat. You had to swallow otherwise you'd choke.

"There's a good boy." He whispered softly. He walked over to a stool in the corner of the room and sat down, resting you on his lap until you had drunk the whole milk bottle. He grabbed the towel and wiped your mouth clean of the milk. You suddenly started to feel tired. Your eyes got heavier and heavier until you drifted into a sleep, Noah's face smiling down at you.

"Your New Daddy" - Noah Centineo x Male Reader [ddlb]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat