"You know," Nate started, glancing at you with one hand on the steering wheel, turning his music down so he could be heard. "The people who own the place have a projector they said we could use."

"Really?" You question, feeling the wind against your face.

"Yeah. Peter said he was going over there early with a huge white sheet to hang up behind the stage so that we can play the videos Mike and some of the theater kids made for our YouTube channel. Mike is going over there to help Peter out with setting the whole thing up."

"So there's going to be like a huge movie screen playing our videos behind us while we play tonight?"

He gives you a grin, turning back to watch the winding road. You take that as the only answer you will receive, looking back out the window with your chin in hand. Dark trees pass by in blurs and the headlights cast everything in a yellow, golden light. Nate turns his music back up to be heard over the rushing wind. For a split second you think you can see something tall and dark moving between the trees. You jolt in your seat and - not thinking - you lean out of the window to look back. Nothing is there now and you feel the van give a harsh swerve that almost sends you flying out if not for your seat-belt.

Nate shouts at you, yanking you back in by your belt loops. He starts yelling at you over the music but you pay him no mind. You are almost certain you had seen some kind of large, thin creature standing like a human back there. Your gaze is blankly staring ahead at the road before you, mind racing as it tries to comprehend what it might have been. A large wolf maybe? A strangely colored bear? It had to have been something native or non-native to the region you lived in. There was no way something like that could-


You shake your head clear of the idea something else might be in those woods besides bears and wolves, looking at Nate.


"Are you fucking crazy (Y/N)? Sticking your upper body out of a moving vehicle!? What the actual hell man!" He shouts angrily. "You could've gotten your head lopped off for all you know!"

"I- I thought I saw something..."

He sends you a disbelieving look but says nothing more. The rest of the ride is silent for you, not even his music making it past the ringing in your ears. You can feel a pull beginning to swell deep in your gut to go back there - to look and find whatever it was you had seen. Like someone had hooked your lower back with a fishing pole and was trying desperately to reel you back to that spot. You were tempted to tell Nate to drive you back and leave you there but you refused to speak after having him scream at you like that.

You pulled up to the back entrance of the warehouse you were to play at and hopped out, staring off into the distance with a glaze over your eyes. The longer you stood there the more you wanted to- to do something besides this. Nothing seemed more important than going back to that area of the winding road in the middle of the dark woods. You wanted to go running off after that pull but something held you in place, keeping you rooted to the spot where your hands were griping Nate's van door open.

You shake your head once again and move to the back of the van to help Nate move the equipment inside. The interior of the warehouse is almost a copy and paste of the last one you'd had a gig in. It was large, dark and worn down to the point where you could tell it was a hot spot for the homeless and teenagers looking for a place to drink and smoke alone. Your feet crunched on some glass, and the wind whistled in from the cracks in the high windows. You set the bass of the drum gently onto the corner of the raised platform, the feeling of being watched and ringing following you around like a shadow.

The rest of your band members show up eventually and they help the four of you finish setting up for the show. Angie, Tim and Brian are the first ones who will be watching later on to arrive - along with two other people you've never seen before. You make your way over to the small group with a smile on your face, going and giving Angie a hug before turning to face your other two friends.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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