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You sit on the floor of the forest for a few minutes, waiting in silence to see if he will come back. When you hear nothing but the sound of rain hitting leaves and cicadas singing you rise from the ground and stumble out of the tree line. The moment your shoes hit wet pavement you pause just long enough to look in both directions, before bolting down the road towards your house. The rain hits your face and drenches you. Wind whips and pushes against you to try and force you back into the dark woods you no longer appreciate in the deep rooted fear you now have.

You never want to return to them. The trees and shrubs now only house monstrous, crazy people out to end you. Your heart is pumping at an insane rate, and your legs pop painfully with every slap against the road beneath your shoes. Your hair clings to your face, helping rain drip into your eyes to blind you.

You wipe it away as much as you can. Every flash of lightning and crash of thunder makes you jump and shake down to your bones. You glance behind your back constantly on your way back home, only to see no monster behind you.

You jump up the front steps and fumble with your keys to unlock the door. Ezra is barking happily in the front window at you and it only puts you further on edge.

What if he isn't barking happily at you, but angrily at a masked man behind you?

The door squeaks open and you fall inside. You twist around quickly to lock everything on the door and waste no time in rushing through your house to shut and lock everything you can think of to get your hands on. Every light is turned off and every curtain once kept open is slid shut loudly. Ezra follows behind you, quickly picking up on your panic and sniffing at the heels of your feet. You use your foot to gently try to push him away from you, only for him to let out a quiet growl until you let him to continue in his search of whatever smell you're carrying around with you now.

It's only after you've checked for a solid twenty minutes that everything is shut and locked that you stop your movement. Your breathing is once more ragged from the extended effort and work you've put your body through in the past hour or so, and you faintly notice a puddle forming on the rug you find yourself standing on.

Ezra is pacing back and forth in front of you, letting out small whines as you stare at the floor.

You twist in the direction of your bathroom and head inside to turn on the hot water.

You strip and climb inside after lighting a candle to see, closing the door with Ezra standing guard at it. You wash yourself on autopilot. The warm water tries to relax you, but you are too on edge to let your newly found walls down. You put shampoo into your hair twice, and scrub at your face until it turns pink from irritation. You stand inside the tub until the water runs cold and then some.

By the time you get out you are exhausted, but you know you are not done for the night. The police need to be called and Angie updated on everything.

You dress - sweats and an over sized sweat shirt with your college logo printed across the chest. You leave your sopping, rain heavy clothes in a wet lump in the darkest corner of your bathroom, and hug yourself as you dial the police from your landline in the candle lit dark of your home. When the operator picks up you delve into a summary of what happened and give your address. She tells you two officers will be there within the next thirty minutes and suggests you lock up your home. You almost snort at the suggestion.

After you hang up with her, you dial Angie only to get her voicemail. You leave her a message and wander over to the couch where you clutch a pillow to your chest. You feel the need to be held and don't want to be touched simultaneously. You want to feel safe and protected in somebody's arms, but you know the feeling of being touched has somehow been tainted after the attack tonight.

Chlorine (Creepypasta x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now