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No One's POV:

Seungmin went to the park after he told Hyunjin and Minji that he was meeting a friend. It was true that he was meeting someone but was not sure if it was a friend so he was basically half-lying.

He was walking in a very fast manner. It seems like he was quite irritated just by looking at his expression. His fast pace of walking gave him the appearance of someone you shouldn't try to stop from their path. At that moment, he didn't care anything about how his attitude and expression was being shown. His known bubbly self was gone. The only thing that he was thinking was the person who called.

The voice of the caller was quite familiar. And he already know who it is. Well, he assumed he was right.

He reached the park and immediately sat at the bench.

His arms were crossed and his left index finger were tapping at his right arm, impatience were evident on him.

Only a few seconds passed and he was already irritated by the unknown caller's slowness.

He was also quite nervous about the fact that the caller might break Seungmin's good relationship with Hyunjin.

That thought alone made his mind blew into chaos and disorganisation.

A couple of minutes passed and Seungmin was already at the brink of destroying the park with his rage.

Luckily, he saw a man approaching him. A sad expression was plastered on his face and Seungmin was sure that it was caused by disapointment.

"I thought it was Minho who called me" Seungmin said in confusion.

"He was the one who called you, but he doesn't know anything about it. I only asked him to do it cause I don't want you to fully know that it was me who knew about the accident that happened last night, if you call it an accident. Hitting an innocent little boy with a metal pipe, I wonder how will Hyunjin react to this" the man said.

"Don't you dare say anything about that incident in Hyunjin's presence or I will fucking kill you" Seungmin shot a deadly glare to the man he was talking to.

"Ooh, I'm scared. How can you still be bitchy like that after what you have done? Hyunjin needs to hear this" the man replied mockingly.

"Don't try me Seo Changbin. I will make your life miserable as hell" Seungmin threatened Changbin as he forcefully stood up.

"I know you can, Minnie. I always observe your each and every move. That's why I also knew about this side of yours. To be honest, if Felix didn't confess to me, I would still be having feelings for you. That's why for that purpose, I'm telling you this so you and Hyunjin will not have any feud on your relationship. See you after you admit to your sin" Changbin lastly stated before turning his back to leave.

Seungmin on the other hand was in utter shock and his mind was now clouded by so many things to process.

In the end, he cannot do anything but to stare at Changbin's figure as the latter disappeared from the crowd walking at the park.

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