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Hyunjin's POV:

I went to the cafe near my house. The people inside it are not that many. Each of them were having their own businesses: drinking coffee while talking with their aquaintance, eating sweets while watching something from their phone or other gadgets, and some were just chilling as they enjoy their delicious cup of latte.

I entered the cafe and I already saw the man I am looking for. He was sitting at the table positioned on the corner of the cafe making it least occupied by people. His eyes were glistening, just like before, and his face is much the same. Cute as always.

I take a few steps towards him and he noticed me approaching him. He turned his gaze upon me and smile brightly as he recognize my face, my handsome face. He waved his hand and I am not lying when I said that he was really cute. I continued to walk to him and I sat beside him.

"Any problems, Hyung? I know you will not call me except if your ass was in trouble" he said. "Honestly, I am not going to argue about that because it is true. But still, it is the first time we saw each other again after awhile and your going to greet me like that? And I am older than you so you should at least say something more respectful. But on second thought, it was you and you will never change. Thanks for coming Minji" I blabbered out.

"Spill, I still got a lot of things to do" he stated as he looks on his watch to check the time.

"Okay fine. The problem is about my boyfriend" I said with a small voice.

"BOYFRIEND?" Minji repeated in a questioning tone, eyes widely open due to shock and let's say that the way he repeated that word sounds like a mom's voice when she found out that her daughter was pregnant.

"What? Can't I have my own love life? Or is it because of the fact that it was a boy and not a girl? But you know I'm gay right?" I bursted out those questions since me myself was shocked with his reaction.

"Ofcourse I know you're gay. Even if you don't tell it on my face I can know it cause my dick energy was stronger than yours. But why didn't you tell me about it before?" he replied.

"First of all, your gayer than me so stop talking about dick energy. Second, your dick was not even comparable with mine and if we will be fucking each other, I will be the one topping you. And lastly, I already told you right now that I have my boyfriend so calm your tits down. And me and my very cute boyfriend were only together for three months so it is still a new relationship" I shooted back at him.

"Well, I agree on your first and second point, but the third one is where you suck. Last time we saw each other was two weeks ago and you haven't told me already about it? By the way, I would not mind having a bang with you since you told it yourself that you would be topping me" he wriggled his eyebrows in a very horny way.

"I always thought that you are my precious little angel but turns out to be a slut in disguise. And also, Hwang Minji, for godsake we were cousins. How the fuck did you think that I will be laying my fingers on you? Like I love you as my brother and do everything to protect you because your the only one I have since I don't have brothers and sisters and I don't have any other cousin" I tried knocking some sense into my cousin's dumb head.

"Yeah, right. But I am just saying that you can really bang me anytime you want if you and your boyfriend broke up. Think of it as how I comfort you in a brotherly way" he winked at me that sent shivers down my spine.

"That's gross but me and my boyfriend will not be breaking up. And please stop including me in your wet dreams coz it really gross me out thinking that my cute and sweet little cousin was dreaming of being pounded by my thicc cock" I said as I stood up from my seat.

"Are you going to leave? You haven't told me your problem yet" He take a sip from his iced coffee.

"Nah. Forget about it. I think that I should solve this on my own. By the way, thanks for coming and wasting your own time for me. I really appreciate it" I waved my hands as a sign of goodbye. He also waved his hand and I started to walk out of the cafe.

No one's POV:

Hyunjin closed the door of the cafe and started to take his way back to his house. Little did he know that someone saw the scene earlier. Someone that has seen everything but didn't hear anything. Someone who doesn't know who Minji was but know Hyunjin. Who could it be? Anyway, the night was still not that long and may end at any moment. Time flies so fast when you are having fun but did Hyunjin really had fun or is it only on the perspective of the said someone.

"Hwang Hyunjin. The fuck are you doing? Better confess or someone will bleed. But if you confess your sins, someone will still going to be hurt" The man muttered as he inhaled the night breeze. He looked up to the sky and after a few seconds, his lips formed a smirk. A laugh escaped from his mouth.

"Can HE stop ME from hurting Hyunjin? I don't know. Can HE hold me back if I am too angry? Let's see"

Hello guys... So maybe I can't update until March 25 so here is a new chapter. Who is that man and the one he refer as "he"?

I hope you share you're thoughts about this.. Love you all😘😘😘😘

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