Is it really the coffee?

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I left the donut and coffee place and started  back to Alex's house. I knew he probably wouldn't let me inside, after what happened last time.  I stopped dead in my tracks, and held my head. Migrane... I thought. I looked back up and suddenly, forgot where I was, and where I was going. I heard more voices in my head, but these were cold, creepy, depressing ones. I fell to the ground, sobbing. I didn't know what was happening. I was going insane. 

Everything stopped.

It seemed like time stood still, and everything hit me at once. 

I need to get to Alex's house to get my own mind back.

I stumbled to his house, and tried to open the door. Locked. I waited outside for him to come out to go to work, or, concert. It was getting cold, so I tried to open the car door. It opened. Yes.. I thought. I crawled into the backseat of his car, and dug around, and I found a blanket. I wrapped it around me, and curled up in a ball. I tried to sleep, but I had so much coffee, and this migrane was killing me, so I couldn't.

I closed my eyes,but I could still see things. 

I saw a little, brown dog laying in the middle of the street, and children crowd around it, picking up the guts spilling out all over. 

I think I drink too much coffee. Now I'm thinking, is this the coffee, or the possession inside of me?

Where has my mind gone?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt