Something, or someone.

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"I ain't never seen a mind. How do you know it's there?" he said, curious.

"Because that's the last place I remember using it."

"Oh I see..." the man said, ordering another cup for him and his girlfriend, pouring creamer in both the cups. The woman's phone rang, and he looked at it to see who it was. 

"I have to go in 10 minutes to see another man. You have little time left." she said, looking at the man.

The man slapped her again. I guess he didn't like her talking about her other boyfriends. I got joy out of her pain. Slut. 

The man turned to me, and said, "I THINK I understand your story, but it doesn't make any damn sense. You can't think without your mind, right? How are you thinking right now? You're thinking about that broad aren't you? I'm still confused about you saying there's someone, or some THING else inside of you."

He was right! I was thinking. But the strange thing was, it wasn't me. It wasn't right. I couldn't hear my own internal monolouge. It was different. I was thinking about Alex. The voice inside my head seemed.. sweeter, but with an evilish tone. I'm still not sure. I couldn't deny it, even with how hard I was trying, it made me listen.

I jerked my head, and looked up at the man. "I know what's happening."

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