"I didn't know if you wanted me to text you (Y/N)-kun.", Midoriya-san says quietly.

"Midoriya-san, I said to text if you had any questions or wanted to talk, didn't I?", I said sweetly.

"Yeah, but why didn't you text me then?", Midoriya retorted.

"Um, well. That's because I never had a friend before, so I didn't know if you would want me to text you, Midoriya-san.", I said sheepishly.

"Oh. Um. I'm sorry!!! I didn't know, (Y/N)-kun", Midoriya says almost crying.

"It's fine, Midoriya-san. Like you said, you didn't know. You couldn't of known. Anyways, feel free to text or call whenever, Midoriya-san", I reply calmly.

"Uh. Okay. Then, you can do the same, (Y/N)-kun.", Midoriya says happier than before. After that, we talked about trivial subjects and topics. Finding humor or interest in what each other had to say about said topic. We were both great listeners, no surprise, but we were easily amicable and warmed up to each other quite fast. We would discuss and give feedback to each other, for the small amount of time we had. We weren't able to make much conversation, due to school starting, but we conversed like we were long-lost friends.

[Time Skip]

The day was as usual, the only difference was that instead of prioritizing my seal ideas, I spent it with Midoriya. During breaks we would talk about whatever we had a fancy at. We both liked some of the same things, but we had some differences as well. We had similar goals and aspirations for the future. We wanted to be a respectable hero that everyone would love. We had some differences in our interests, such as hobbies, music, and likes and dislikes to name a few. But that wasn't really important. We would have comfortable silences, not those uncomfortable and awkward ones, like now. We had finished a conversation and were just eating our lunches.

"Um. (Y/N)-kun, could you, uh, could you tell me about your quirk?", Midoriya asked out of the blue. Guess the comfortable silence was broken now. I don't mind, conversing was fun, especially with Midoriya.

"May I ask you as to why you want to know about my quirk?", I asked jokingly.

"Uh, well. It's because I have Hero Analysis Books and it's where I record heroes and their quirks. I record other people's quirks too, if I find them interesting enough. And I find your quirk to be an enigma, so I want to learn about it.", Midoriya responds excitedly.

"Hmm. I'll tell you later, Midoriya-san. It's almost time for class.", I said looking at the time.

"Ah. You're right, it is almost time. Okay then, I'll text you when we can talk about it. Okay?", Midoriya responded happily.

"Will do, Midoriya-san. Let's get back to class now.", I said politely.

[Time Skip]

The school day went by peacefully, as Bakugo wasn't terrorizing Midoriya like usual. I guess he's staying off the hook for now, maybe to see if I'll leave him or something. I went to go pack up my stuff, excited that's it's Friday. When I was finished, I saw Midoriya waiting by the exit. I put on my backpack and went up to him.

"Who are you waiting for, Midoriya-san?", I inquired.

"For you (Y/N)-kun!!!", Midoriya said with a big, bright smile.

"Um. Why's that, Midoriya-san?", I asked confused.

"Well, it's cause I wanted to talk to you more. Plus we go in the same direction, so I thought I could have some company while walking home!!!", Midoriya said with a smile.

"Okay then. Let's go, if you're ready?", I questioned.

"Sure am!!!", Midoriya replied quickly.

[Time Skip (cause Author-kun doesn't want to write more dialogue)]

I arrived at home, smile on my face. I placed my shoes at the front and reminisced about the walk here. We talked about trivial stuff, like usual. Eventually, Midoriya had to go his way and we separated. I enjoyed our talks, it was different from when I talked to my parents. A good kind of different too.

"Why's our little baby smiling?", my mother said in a sing-song manner.

"Is he in love?!?!?! I hope so!!! With that Midoriya person, right?!?!?!", my mother said quickly afterwards.

"MOM!!!", I said embarrassed at the second comment about my platonic (or is it?) relationship with Midoriya.

"Honey, calm down. You're going to kill him like this.", my father said rationally.

"THANK YOU!!!", I said gratefully at my dad's rational response.

"Besides, they're obviously taking it slow.", my dad said jokingly with a smirk.

"HOW COULD YOU!!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE THE RATIONAL ONE HERE!?!?!", I scream embarrassed at my parents. They didn't care, as my mother was already on the floor, laughing hysterically, and my father was the one who made the joke, and he was smirking. I just went to make dinner, as I wanted to quickly get to my room to get away from my crazy parents.

[Time Skip]

I'm finally in my room. I lay on my bed, procrastinating on doing my nightly schedule. I look at my phone and notice a text. It was Midoriya. I opened my phone and looked at the message.

Midoriya: Hey!!! You still up? :)

(Y/N): Yeah, what's up?

Midoriya: Do you want to meet up tomorrow? At Dagobah Beach. I need to meet someone there, but I wanted to talk to you about your quirk.

(Y/N): Sure. When do you want me to come?

Midoriya: Can you come at 7?

(Y/N): I can come at that time. See you there , Midoriya-san.

Midoriya: See you there, (Y/N)-kun!!!
After reading that last text, I smiled and fell into deep slumber. Forgetting to brush my teeth and such.

[3rd Person]

Little did (Y/N) know, a green-haired bean was also smiling at his phone. Only difference was that the little bean actually brushed his teeth. The bean eventually fell to sleep in his All Might styled room.

~Ari-Ari (≈ 1505 words)

I'm so irritated right now. Wattpad ain't cooperating with me. I don't want some things to be italicized and I don't want some things to be bold. Like this Author's Note shouldn't be italicized, the names when they're texting shouldn't italicized, the time skips, POV's, and the small note I made shouldn't be italicized!!!! The actual texts shouldn't be bolded and the thoughts shouldn't be bolded!!! I don't know how to fix it, and I want to update. So if you see that, here's your reason. Also help me, I tried to edit it but it wouldn't work. Hope you enjoyed!!! Sorry about the rant.

Edit: I found out how to fix it!!! I'm so happy!!!

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