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I stared down at me. How did I ever end up with someone like this in my life?

Last night was perfect. I never really thought we would get that far.but im glad we did and i hope he doesnt regret it.

I stoked his hair softly and watch as his eyes fluttered open. I was worried that he would freak out, because he does sometimes, but he just smiled. "Hi."

I chuckled and whispered a 'hi' back.

He buried his head in my chest which made me laugh and then he mumbled. "Dont laugh its freezing,"

"Well put on a jumper then." I stated, because obviously, we were still naked. I think he didnt realise until now he suddenly blushed.

"I just wanna stay here," He said cutely.

"Okay, well we can do that." I replied. We cuddled for a bit, just making small talk but it wasnt long until my phone buzzed. I grunted and reached over, grabbing it and checking the text. Ashton.

'Bro wanna hang round mine today? There's an xbox.'

I wouldnt have gone but he had an xbox... so...

"Hey Luke wanna meet ashton?"

"Your paramedic friend?" He asked nervously. I nodded.

"I dunno, I mean he saw me on the floor when I-" He couldnt finish his sentence,

"Seriously dont worry hes not a bad person," I said and kissed his temple. "So?"

"Okay." He replied quietly.

Once we had showered and dressed ourselves, we headed out. I know what you're thinking, 'Mikey, which bad song are you blasting through the car now?'

Well, let me tell ya.

"So am I in this alone? What I'm looking for's a sign, that you feel how I feel for you, baby please dont let me go, baby please dont let me go, please dont let me go, baby please dont let me go, baby no no no no."

Luke sings Olly Murs well.

He looked cute today, with his blue nirvana shirt and black ripped jeans. Looking at him he looks quite punk but I know hes not. He's just a big softy really. Like me I guess.

We pulled up to Ashtons house and I led luke out the car, clutching his hand in my own. I rung the doorbell and while we heard shuffling, I quickly leaned over and pecked his lips, leaving him completely flustered by the time the door swung open.

"Guys, come in!" He smiled and moved to the side. I went in first, just because I knew Luke felt vulnerable right now. He followed close behind and I walked him to the front room. Snacks and the xbox was already set up. So this was a lad's visit. Cool with me.

"Help yourselves guys I just need the bathroom." Ash tells us and leaves.

I sit down on the floor right away, grabbing a controller and setting up the game. Luke however, didnt move.

"Luke come on, sit down." I said and he sat down next to me quietly. "Whats wrong?"

"I never had a friend like this," He mumbled, and I could see that he was getting near to tears.

I grabbed him and gave him a warm hug, him burying his head in my neck and taking deep breaths. "Its okay, Ashtons awesome and hes gonna love you." I said and rubbed circles in his back.

Eventually he pulled away, looking at me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He half smiled. "But I dont want snacks what do I say if he offers me some?"

I was slightly disappointed that he didnt want to eat, but he hadnt met ashton before so he definately wasnt gonna eat in front of him, I knew that.

"Just say no thanks." I smile. "You'll be alright Luke, just relax its okay."

"Okay." Luke says, just as Ash walks back in.

"Really Mike you didnt get that game set up?" He groaned. "Luke how do you put up with him."

"I er- I dont know." He says.

"Im Ashton, Ive seen you but you havent seen me before so, hi." He reached out to shake Lukes hand and Luke hesitantly shook it. I knew there was no way Luke would come here with his arms on show so he had borrowed my hoodie. He borrowed everything else so why not?

Luke was very stiff at first but after about half an hour he seemed to be smiling and playing a lot more. thats the good thing about Ash, he wont stop being nice and he wont give up until someones comfortable around him. I find it annoying but Im glad he was like that with Luke.

"Ugh Michael you promised you wouldnt kill me!" Luke sighed and pouted.

"Well how else was I meant to win?" I winked and kissed his cheek.

Ash was on his phone on the couch because he had gotten bored but he still joined in our conversation.

"Guys guys, shutup." He laughed and it made Luke smile, which made me smile because yknow, hes pretty.

It didnt take much longer before me and Luke were bored too so we went to get more snacks.

Luke was helping me tip crisps into a bowl as I was sorting out drinks. "Are you sure you dont want some?" I asked him.

"Im sure," He replied. "I HATE eating in front of people, drinking too."

"When was the last time you had a drink?" I asked him.

"I dont remember," He said. "But Im fine." He grimaced, and I knew he was lying.

"Just have some," I said and he backed away."In here, now, not out there." I added softly and it took a moment before he stepped forward and took the water from my hands. He turned from me to drink it but I didnt feel hurt because thats just how he is, its nothing personal.

He handed the glass to me and thanked me quietly. "Wheres my kiss?" I said cheekily and he grinned and slung his arms round my neck, kissing me slowly. Hes fantastic.

I pulled away and kissed his nose lightly before rubbing it wth my own, making him giggle.

"Now come on, lets get back." I said and walked back with the food.

"Took long enough." Ash said and chomped down on like three quaters of the crisps. How greedy can you get?

It was a while before me and Luke left, we'd stayed all day and it was evening now. Now in the car, playing loudly but not blasting, was 'Princess Of China' by coldplay.

When me and Luke got in we changed, brushed our teeth and headed to bed, completely shattered. This time I cuddled up to Luke as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I want a lip peircing." He said randomly.

"Really?" I chuckled. "Why?"

"I dont know it would just look cool, but I never got the chance to." He says.

"OKay." I say. "Night Luke," I whisper and kiss his jaw.

"Night Mike."


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