Chapter 6: 'Training' Pt.2

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Y/n and Gajeel approached the marketplace in the small little town. The market was full of stalls lining the street. All different things were being sold there. Dresses,jewelry, food, furniture, flowers. The market was very crowded but it was very beautiful. There were all types of flowers and trees all over. Gajeel led her to a small fruit stall behind the stand there was an elderly little woman tending the customers.


"Hello!~ Good morning!" Y/n smiled sweetly at the woman, a smile that made Gajeel melt on the inside.

"What kind of fruit were you looking for dearies?" The elderly woman asked.

"Um..." Y/n looked over at Gajeel squeezing is arm which just happened to be his bicep, thus effectively snapped Gajeel out of his little daze over Y/n's smile.

"Hmm?" Gajeel hummed wondering what happened.

"Gajeel Oba-san asked if we were looking for any specific type of fruit."


"Gajeel?" An elderly man came into the stall and looked at Gajeel. "Gajeel is that you?"

"Old man Akio?!" Gajeel said.

"Oh Gajeel is that you?" Oba-san looked over at Gajeel. "I thought it might be you! you looked so familiar, but since we haven't seen you in years!"

"Gajeel you know them?" Y/n tiled her head in curiosity which made her look adorable.

"Y-yeah I used to come here all the time when I had to buy food as a kid."

"Ungrateful kid! We were so worried when we heard that you joined Phantom Lord and went to war with Fairy Tail!" Akio-san exclaimed.

"Well either way its wonderful that you came back and with an adorable little wife too!" Y/n turned crimson while Gajeel stayed silent with a small blush over his cheeks.

"Well just by looking at you I would have never thought someone like you would pick Gajeel as a husband. How did you get him to settle down?" Akio asked.

"Where are you staying?" Oba-san asked. "By the way my names Hina."

"In my old home in the mountains." Gajeel responded.

"That's so nice bringing your little wife to your hometown!" Hina-san exclaimed

"W-w-were n-not married!" Gajeel and Y/n said at the same time. Hina and Akio just stared at them before saying something.

"An unmarried couple staying in the same house! How disgraceful!"

"What if there not even a couple!"

"What kind of woman stays with an man without supervision!"
"Haha!"Y/n quickly laughed. "You fell for our little joke! Of course we are married!" Y/n quickly leaned over and kissed Gajeel on his cheek turning his face scarlet, and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Aww~ such an adorable couple!" Hina exclaimed.

"Thank you! We have to leave now and get more groceries bye!" Y/n quickly left pulling Gajeel along.

"I'm sorry about how they acted. This village is a little behind the times." Gajeel said squeezing my hand.

"If thats the case then......"Y/n's face turned crimson and shyly looked away her eyes shining and biting her lip. Gajeel felt the erge to grab her and kiss her.

"What is it?"

"S-since the people here think that way t-then..." she looked down clutching her hand to her chest. I stared as you could see the outline of her large breasts being pushed together.


"T-then lets pretend we're married!"

"What?!" I stared at her shocked that she would say this.

"O-of course I-f you don't want to it's okay. I-I mean it was a dumb idea sorry for sayi-"

"Okay." Her head snapped up at me in shock.

"What you wanted to do it."

She looked down but quickly looked up and gave me the sweetest smile. I swear my heart was going a mile a minute.

"Let's go..." I turned around and started heading towards another stall. She slipped her soft hand into my rough one. "Wife."

Her cheeks flared even rosier than her normal color as she shyly looked away. She was too fucking cute for her own damn good.

We headed towards a small stall and bought a basket to keep the things we bought in. We headed towards a small stall and started to pick out fruit.

"Gajeel?" The way she said my name almost drove me insane.


She held up some apples.

"Do you want some?"


"If you want I can make a apple pie when we get back for dessert."

"You know how to do that?"


"Okay then let's get them." I said grabbed half a dozen and putting them in the basket. We picked out some plums,oranges,strawberries,blueberries and figs.

We walked around looking for anything else we needed in these three months. We passed a stall selling jewelry and dresses. I saw her eyes linger on a long baby blue dress with beautiful sunflowers embroidered on the bottom.

"Do you want that dress?"

She jumped at my voice and gave me a shy smile.

"N-no! You don't have to do that! Why don't we go to that bakery!" Since our hands were still entertwined she pulled me into a small bakery. I found it cute that she had to wrap both her hands around one of mine just to try and make me budge

"Oh I've been meaning to ask, where's Panther Lilly?"

"He fell asleep with you On the train. He's probably still asleep now."


"Here." I handed her slice bread. "Take this buy it and anything else you need." I handed her money and ran outside to where we saw the dress. I quickly bought it and a small white ribbon. But as I went back I heard a shriek pierce the air, and I knew it was Y/n.


Heavens Fairy Tail Boys x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя