30- What's Best for Mental Health

Start from the beginning

"What exactly is your job, Auburn?" Caroline asked, moving a stack of papers off a chair and sitting down.

"11th grade English teacher. I have almost 100 students and they all had to turn in their mid term papers Friday. I'm literally drowning in papers." Auburn huffed out.

"Wow...you and Nick? Nick with a teacher? That just puts a whole new meaning to the song." Caroline said, shocked by the fact she was a teacher and that she was a teacher dating Nick. Teaching was the last thing she ever expected her to be. She never would've thought Nick would be with a teacher either. Auburn had just blown her mind.

"Hard to believe, I know. Nick actually helps me grade test." Auburn laughed.

"That is interesting. I've always placed English teacher and prude together. You're the exact opposite." Caroline breathed, dumbfounded.

"I know it's weird. Well, the spare bedroom is the last door on the left. You can sleep there. My office slash library is across the hall. I'll be in there attempting to read my 1st blocks papers." Auburn groaned, picking up a thick stack of papers.

"Thank you! I don't remember too much from English, but I can to help you?" Caroline offered. Auburn stood there for a moment thinking. Eventually she nodded and went to her office. Caroline followed to find a perfect beat and organized office with floor to ceiling bookshelves filled with all kinds of books.

"I have to type all these notes up on a slideshow. Would you mind doing it for me so I can squeeze in at least one more paper?" Auburn asked, begging her with her eyes.

"No problem! Beowulf is one of my favorite poems anyway." Caroline smiled, sitting down in front of her laptop.

The worked quietly amongst themselves for a good chunk of their time. Eventually Auburn looked up from her stack of papers and looked at Caroline who was busy typing away.

"What happened the other night anyway?" Auburn asked, not really caring if she was overstepping her bounds.

"Charlotte happened. He's still talking to her while she's wanting to get back together with him." Caroline mumbled, not looking away from the laptop screen.

Caroline was glad to have someone distract her mind from Brandon. Everything in his PRETTYMUCH house reminded her of him no matter where she went. At least by typing notes in someone else's house, she wasn't having to think about him and that smile that melted everything bad away.

"Oh. Well he talks about you non stop when you're not around. He really does love you, Care." Auburn replied, smiling at her.

"I know he does. That's what makes it so hard to walk away. I just have a looming fear he'll cheat on me like my ex." Caroline stated, sighed and breaking her stare at the computer screen to look at Auburn.

"I have that fear too with Nick, but I don't think Brandon would ever do that. He's way too sweet for that. He'd break up with you before he cheated." Auburn replied.

"I'd like to think that. I just can't be with him knowing he's not over her." Caroline said, turning back to the laptop.

"I understand that. You have to do what's best for your mental health." Auburn said, nodding.

Caroline let the words reply in her mind. Was letting go of Brandon really what was best for her? Brandon helped ease her so much during the times she felt like dropping out of school. She was beginning to find it hard to go about life without talking to him at least once a day. Perhaps he had actually been the thing weighing her down because she ha done just fine before she literally crashed into him.



Also don't forget to check out my other stories Pitted and Lighthouse! They include the same characters at the ones that appear in this story!

Also don't forget to check out my other stories Pitted and Lighthouse! They include the same characters at the ones that appear in this story!

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