30- What's Best for Mental Health

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Even though everything seemed okay on the outside, Brandon and Caroline were far from okay. The awkward tension followed throughout the house making the day seem to drag by slow for everyone until they could break free from the house.

Caroline sat outside hoping to avoid everyone, especially Brandon. They still had a few days before going back home and Caroline wasn't sure what to do. She didn't exactly have the funds to pay for a hotel room nor did she want to be alone without Kelsey. Lucky for her, Auburn popped outside at the right time.

"Hey, you got a sec?" She smiled, hanging halfway out the door. Caroline nodded and she proceeded to walk over to her and sit down. "Would you like to come stay with me? I go back to work tomorrow so I'm heading back home for the week."

"Thanks, but I don't want to impose." Caroline replied with a smile.

"Oh you're definitely not imposing. It's just me and some bird that made a nest on my porch. Nick probably won't even come over this week because work is hectic. Plus, you'd have the house by yourself most the day." Auburn explained.

While her and Caroline hadn't bonded that much over the weekend, she was incredibly glad for her helping her in whole ordeal. She was excited to go stay anywhere but in the same house with Brandon. It was getting more and more awkward by the minute.

"Are you sure?" Caroline asked, trying to not jump straight to agreeing.

"I'm very sure. I'd enjoy the company anyway, it's lonely after leaving this mad house." Auburn chuckled.

"Okay, I'm ready to get of here when you are." Caroline replied.

"By the time you finish packing, I'll be ready to go. It's a 40 minute drive to my house and I have work to do before I go to bed." Auburn said, looking at her watch.

Caroline nodded and slowly got up from the chair she was sitting in. Auburn followed her inside where they had to pass Brandon. He had been sitting in the living room watching them, wanting to try and talk to Caroline. They briefly made eye contact before Caroline hurriedly walked past him.

It didn't take long for Caroline to pack her stuff up and place it in Auburn's car. Brandon stood in the doorway when she walked back from the car.

"Are we going to ignore each other or can we talk?" He asked in a slow and low voice.

"There is nothing to talk about." Caroline stated.

"Care, I'll talk to her and prove to you I'm over her." Brandon said, moving out her way. Sadness was evident in her voice and eyes. It pained him to see her like that, especially when it was because of him.

"That's beside the fact. You should've been over her months ago when we started talking. You've been feeding us empty lies, giving her hope of fixing your relationship while telling me we had a future together." Caroline explained, walking past him. She turned around before she went up the stairs. "It's time you stop pretending with us."

Brandon sighed and watched her walk up the stairs. He had lost her as soon as he had got her and he wasn't sure how to even prove to her that he wanted only her. He kept his eyes following her until she left in the car with Auburn. He knew as soon as she left the house he'd probably never see her again and that's what truly broke his heart.

The car ride relatively quiet between the girls. They both had quiet natures to them so conversations weren't they strong suits. Caroline learned that Auburn lived in Culver City simply because it was near everything and it was way cheaper than the other places she had checked out. She also learned she was from San Francisco and had relocated for her job. Caroline still hadn't figured out the job until they got into her house. The house was clean and modern, something Caroline could see her living in, but it was cluttered with books and stacks of paper everywhere. Caroline looked at Auburn expectantly.

Pretend // Brandon ArreagaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang