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Wanda pulls on her red leather jacket as she stands from the kitchen breakfast bar, the half-eaten slice of toast hanging from her lips, Pietro waltz into the room, well he speeds and tears it from her lips before spinning and running back out the room, she has no hope of catching him, since the two of them have some....unique extra traits after an unexplainable event many many many years ago, though the two of them are for the most part human things are just a bit more complicated than that, but for now, human will suffice, Wanda stares after the blue streak that rushed into and then out of the room.

"Pietro!!" she screeches after him, throwing her hand out, the red mist leaving her hand and trails across the floor, she smirks hearing her brother scream in surprise before her toast appears back in her hand, she smiles and places it back in her mouth as she walks past Pietro who lays on his back blinking at the ceiling, her red mist still holding him down.

"Wanda" he whines as she walks past him. "Release me" she smirks as she grabs her car keys before looking back at him and holding out her hand, the mist reseeds from him and he stands up at normal human speed and glares at her. "We have been here not even two days and we promised not to use our powers" she glares at him.

"You started it!" she snaps at him throwing what is left of her toast at him, her eyes flaring red with her anger, he is quick to duck it before speeding at her and pulling her into a backward hug, she rolls her eyes but can't help but smile, after everything he is still the same brother she had all those years before, he carries her out to the red range rover in the drive, seen as the last car they had was blue for Pietro this time it was Wanda's turn so of course, it's red, Pietro puts her down and she shakes her head climbing into the driver's side, Pietro climbing into the other side. The second the door is shut Pietro is fiddling, a side effect of his speed is that he can't seem to sit still for very long, he has to fidget, this time it is with her radio as she pulls out of the drive and heads towards the school. Forks high school, and starting during Senior year, why? Well blame Pietro and his speed and the need to impressive girls, least Wanda has more control of her gifts, she sneers in her own mind, gifts most people would call them but seeing as it took them both almost 50 years to perfect some sort of control over them they would on a bad day call them curses, oh yep 50 years, another thing about whatever the hell happened to them, she will get to that later on, the inability to age past their 19 years which is you know amazing, heavy on the sarcasm there, having to leave town every few years when you look good for a 26-year-old, even with Wanda's powers there is only so much she could do to hide the fact they didn't age. She sighs as she smacks Pietro's hand away from the radio dial, he had gone through all the channels three times since she started the car and altered her air condition dial five times and she has had enough.

"Sit still," she tells him and pins him with a look before he sits on his own hands to keep still, she then fixes ever dial and switch back to the way she wanted them.

"Starting near the end of senior year" he grumbles. "What is the point?"

"To graduate," Wanda tells him, drawing it out like he is an idiot....he is.

"For the......." Wanda glances to him as he tries to think. "Thousandth time" he settles on, she smirks.

"It's the seventeenth time" she corrects and he grumbles reaching for her radio, she slaps his hand away. "Stop it" he smirks at her as he leans back in his seat. "Just be glad the school is willing to take us in.....they don't normally allow new students so close to the end of the year"

"You have a GPA of 4.5, they want that on their statistics....they are taking me 'cause they have to...." Pietro smirks. "Imagine if they knew most of the time you pluck the answers out of other people's heads" Wanda shrugs.

"I don't do that for every question...I do know some of them on my own" she sighs. "You reach for that radio dial again and I will hit you" Pietro pulls his hand back and sulks.

"You're so mean this morning" he grumbles. Wanda looks to him and sighs.

"I'm sorry" he reaches over and touches her cheek. "I didn't sleep very well....getting used to the town and the way it feels...." Pietro glances to her.

"How does it feel?" Wanda is silent for a few moments before she answers.

"Thick" Pietro makes a face.

"Thick?" she shrugs.

"The air....the emotions....the land.....it's just.....thick, muggy, dark" she looks to Pietro. "Just....feels..."

"Thick" he teases, she rolls her eyes and looks forward as she pulls into the school parking lot. She parks as far from another car as she can before turning off the engine, the pair just.....sit and watch for a few minutes. "What do you think?" Pietro finally asks Wanda.

"That it is good.....that it is such a small population" Pietro nods, agreeing. "Should be easier to block out thoughts, emotions...."

"Just stay calm" he takes her hand and squeezes. "You know it helps" she nods and squeezes back. "Come on" he steps out of the car first, she sighs and follows grabbing her bag from the back seat before shutting the door and locking her car. Pietro waits for her as she rounds the front of the jeep, he takes her hand in his and they walk towards reception.

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Where stories live. Discover now