Chapter 1: Fate of a Kinslayer

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October 1st, 1995. 5:47 PM, Kamurocho, Tokyo.

It is a rainy evening in Kamurocho, a lavish pleasure district of Tokyo, which is a few trains stop away from Shinjuku from one direction and another few trains stop away from Namimori from the opposite direction. It is a place where the will of the Tojo Clan, currently ruled by its Third Chairman, runs supreme. In one of the main streets, one could hear the giggling of schoolgirls who are with a few hosts and in another small alley, the cries of a man being harassed by his "creditors" for not paying up the full money owed. In the distance, one could also hear a few police sirens.

The scene in a certain office building though is a different story. Outside the office, the rain is falling down hard with the sound of thunder being accompanied by lightning. The office is trashed and there are signs of a struggle. A lean, young man with spiky brown hair dressed in a jet black suit, facing the window, is looking down on a body while holding a revolver in his right hand. The body is of a man whose black hair was slicked back. His eyes have rolled inside, there are spider web cracks in the right lens of his spectacles and his mouth is agape. This man's white suit is bloodied red with bullet holes.

The standing man tilts his head towards a small stylish platinum ring with a red ruby in it. Suddenly, hurried footsteps are heard outside the room. The standing man meanwhile, bends down and picks up the ring and looks at a name, "YUMI", engraved on it, when the door of the room bursts open and two police officers burst in and point their service revolvers on the standing man.

"Freeze!" One of the officers calls out.

The standing man simply turns his head, which allows his face to be momentarily illuminated by the lightning outside. The man has sharp features. He has a sharp nose, cheekbones. His eyebrows are furrowed and his eyes are a caramel brown in color. The upturned collar of his silk orange shirt meanwhile hides his chin. Lightning strikes once again before dying out and taking away the light with it.


Previous Day. September 30th, 1995. Late night.

A black car pulls up in Tenkaichi Street, just a few meters away from the red neon sign. "Sir?" The driver of the car, dressed in an open-collared, purple shirt with a gold flower motif asks the man next to him on the passenger seat. "Yeah?" The man with spiky brown hair, dressed in a jet-black suit and silk orange shirt with an upturned collar replied. "Sorry about this. I shouldn't have to drag you out for a regular collection." The driver of the car says. "I told you, don't worry about it, Shinji." The brunette man in the black suit and orange shirt says to the driver, now named Shinji. "Yes, sir... Thank you." Shinji replies. Shinji's full name is Shinji Tanaka and he is a member of the Dojima Family, an affiliate of the Tojo Clan, the largest Yakuza group in the Kanto region of Japan.

The other man opens his side of the car door and gets out of the car and looks up at one of the buildings. The name of this man is Tsunayoshi Sawada. He is the Lieutenant Advisor of the Dojima Family and is also known throughout the Japanese and International Underworld as the Dragon of the Dojima Family. "So who are these guys causing trouble?" Tsuna asks.

"Just some local loan sharks. They were actually on another family's bankroll for a while, but they were barely even keeping up with the interest. It got so out of hand that we needed to step in." Shinji replied.

"Got it," Tsuna said, before asking. "And how much have they racked up?"

"200 million," Shinji replied. "The families agreed on a 50/50 split, so we'll be up a hundred million after this."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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