Chapter 6: Rubies in the Sand

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Glaseron crouches next to me as we peer out of the leaves in the tree. He hold onto my shoulder for balance while I use telekinesis to keep myself balanced as I hold Uranium's handle, while the blade is still in the sheath. The nighttime townspeople of Kataerka wander below, not knowing what is about to hit them. I turn my head to look at Glaseron, and we have a short conversation through eye contact about what is about to happen. He nods, and jumps down from the high branch on the tree that I'm still crouching on. I use my psychic power of telekinesis to keep him from hurting himself by cushioning his fall telekinetically. He walks with his head held high and confident. Weird. I had expected him to feel disturbed from what we are about to do. Is it possible... ? I shake my head. No. It can't be true. Only I... I cut off that thought there. Glaseron greets the people with a warm smile, but an evil glint in his eye. He takes the hand of one of the people, and I instinctively constrict the throat of the woman he chose. She turns white, dropping dead. I smirk, jumping down from the tree branch, my yard-long hair like a veil of shadow flowing behind me. Glaseron and I draw our katanas, ready to strike. Glaseron goes to the left while I sprint to the right, slicing everyone to tiny bits, blood flowing everywhere, with a complex series of delicate movements. Glaseron handles his sword fairly decently for a beginner. He'll get better, just like I have done over the course of billions of years. We run farther into the group of late-night wanderers. They couldn't comprehend what had happened until Glaseron and I had killed every single one of them. We stop, panting. I look at him and find him looking at me with interest. We smile, mischievous glints in our eyes.

"I don't want to change the world... I just want to leave it colder."

Our breaths whispered, little tufts of vapour drifting from our mouths, mingling, as if it were very, very icy and snowy. Sirens in the distance jerked us from our trance.

"Let's go!" I shouted, running off and gesturing for Glaseron to follow. The sirens become louder, and I can see police lights in the distance. The hovering car and I go straight towards each other. Glaseron side steps out of the way as I side-flip over the vehicle, thrusting Uranium into the back end of the car. It blows up, sparks flying everywhere. It illuminates Glaseron's figure, and I just can't help but stare. I smirk wildly, finally tearing my gaze away from him. Police with guns run towards us, and I shout a big HA! They skid to a stop, the ones behind running into the ones in front, making them fall on top of one another. I trap them in a forcefield of sorts, and wave with a smirk as their eyes widen. Explosion after explosion occurs in the area of forcefield, bouncing off it, making the pressure wave ricochet back inward. Finally, all that was left of the officers was little bits of blood and flesh. It was a beautiful sight to behold. The entire city goes dead silent, except for my and Glaseron's breathing. I raise my hand head-level and wave it, sending Glaseron and I into a dimly lit back alley. An old man, deaf by the looks of it, roams the back alley. Glaseron smiles mischievously, creeping up behind the old man. He takes a flip-knife from his pocket, opening it, exposing the silver blade. He stabs it into the back of the man's heart, and the old man weakly chokes out and dies, wheezing. Glaseron walks over to me, a crazy smirk on his face. His mouth comes dangerously close to my ear, his breath sending chills down my spine.

"We should do this another time."

What? That was it?

I do this all the time, you idiot! I wanted to scream at him. But he was somehow alluring, so I kept my mouth shut. He and I walked out of Kataerka, mercilessly killing anyone that got in our way. Then we warped back to home, and laid in the grass for a long while, laying shoulder to shoulder, gazing up at the gorgeous stars twinkling in the sky, unlike the light pollution of the cities of the OverEarth.

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