Chapter 9: Upcoming Disaster

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Glaseron helps me to my feet, after I passed out again.

I know there has to be a new solution to this. There is no way I’m going to make it through the solstice in this state. Not even twenty-four hours passed. After meditating under the Central Oak in my silver field, I come to a decision.

“Glaseron!” I call, and he leaps down from an above branch.

“What is it, Tankra?” He asks.

“I know what we must do,” I respond, “Follow me… Oh, and catch me if I pass out doing this.” He holds onto my hands as I cast my energy into a cocoon around Glaseron and I, teleporting us to Genera, the human town in the OverEarth, that I had raided before.

“My hometown?” Glaseron asks as I collapse to my knees. I nod tiredly.

“I need to do something here that can spend a lot of energy, but will regenerate me in the process,” I say, and stand up to prepare myself. I cast my consciousness in all directions, stretching the little energy I retain over the area. I search for any little particle of light I can find, then cast my spirit, creating a dark veil over my stretched consciousness, and start drawing the collected light towards me, physically manifesting a vortex of dark wind, and my body snaps into a spread eagle position, and my eyes snap open, now white with returning light energy turning dark. My body starts to levitate, the dark vortex lifting me up, and after several moments, the vortex dissipates and I fall to the ground, paralyzed, trying to accommodate for the new energy in my system. Glaseron rushes to my side, asking if I’m okay. I set myself up on one elbow.

“I’m fine,” I say.

“Good. Now, what the hell did you just do there?!” Glaseron asks.

“I took the light energy from around me and converted it to dark energy that I can use for sustenance,” I explain, “Now we must wait for the solstice.” Glaseron nods.

The Winter Solstice starts to roll in, and I can feel the gathered energy start to drain quickly.

“This is worrying…” I say scaredly, and Glaseron gives me a pitied look.

A tear slowly starts to slip out of the corner of my eye.

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