Chapter 4: Glaseron

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"Hey!" I shout, "Not like that, you idiot!"

Glaseron struggles to climb the tree with just his legs. I tied his hands behind his back and made him climb the tree, due to how much he wants to repay me. So I am taking this advantage to have a little fun. His foot slips and his other foot keeps him on the tree, until it slips off and he falls. I snap my fingers and he stops a foot above the ground, then he lands. I can hear him panting with fear as I snap at him, "Get up you insolent fool!"

"Let me stop, Tankra! Please!" He cries out.

"Fine. Take a few hours. Then we dance with swords!" I smile, loving him as my slave. He scrambles off, and I get some time to myself. I go ahead and walk to the river, slip out of my black leather warsuit, and dive in, feeling the ice-cold current flow over my skin, and it feels wonderful. I spin around underwater like a torpedo, cutting through the water like a blade. I break the surface and set my feet on the river-bottom, running my fingers through my wet hair. I hear bushes rustling, and I quickly slip underwater. I can see a blurred shape, but it looks human. I can tell it's Glaseron. Stupid me! I forgot to put up an alert forcefield! Now I am in a dodgy situation with Glaseron. Glaseron crouches down and drinks from the river, which, might I add, is some of the tastiest and refreshing water to be found. I take the chance to turn myself invisible and climb out of the river and put on my warsuit. I never wear anything else. I sneak up behind Glaseron, and rake my fingernails against his arm.

"What the hell, man! I was bathing over here!" I scream at him. He jumps backward and I box-step out of the way. His arms bleeds furiously as he holds it, trying to stop the blood. I give him the death stare and he scrambles back into the bushes, running away. Now that he's gone, I finally allow myself to blush as I take my clothes back off and wade into the river. I set up the alert force field so he won't intrude again. One who embarrasses a spirit is not so easily released. Ah well. It's something that still happens.

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