"I never really thought of that." I murmured, lowering myself to the ground.

"Men are normally the aggressors, old man, I wouldn't expect you to. She's probably used to some fat old white man forcing himself upon her. It's not her desired memories, I'm sure." Aaron commented. I lowered myself next to Aaron, picking at my nails.

"What are we to do? What if she is running from someone, like a husband? We cannot keep her. She wouldn't be safe. Maybe Mother would be willing to take her in—"

"Dan, you've obviously have never successfully courted a woman, so let me tell you a secret: woman hate when their lives are being decided for them. We don't know Ms. Wilde, we cannot assess her needs without talking to her and knowing her as our friend. We cannot rush her, old man." Aaron drawled, pushing himself to stand.

"Sarah, will you come here for a minute?" Aaron called, placing his hands on his hips. Sarah rushed from the guestroom and scurried across our squeaky floor.

"Yes, my Lord?" Sarah murmured, dipping into a quick curtsy.

"How has Ms. Wilde been today? Is she adjusting alright?" Aaron questioned, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"She's not one to share, sir, if that is what you are asking. She said that she is from New Orleans, and that she can read and write. The good doctor came before we could talk anymore." Sarah shared, wringing her hands together. "She asked me for pen and paper, to write to someone. I am to deliver it as soon as I can." Aaron looked at me, his eyebrows raised suspiciously.

"Deliver a letter to whom, Sarah?" Aaron pressed.

"She didn't say, just that he was an older man, dressed like a footman. He'd be waiting outside the orphanage on Friday." Sarah tugged at her apron, trying to avoid Aarons eyes.

"Let Ms. Wilde write her letter, and when it is ready, tell me. We'll go together, Sarah. Thank you." I dismissed her, rising from my seat. Sarah scurried back to Ms. Wilde and slammed the door shut.

"I am suspicious of her now. What if she purposely found us, is trying to steal from us, Dan?" Aaron snapped, pulling off his coat jacket. "This is a foolish mistake!"

"No, Aaron, throwing her to the wolves is a foolish mistake!" I shouted back at him. "Are you discriminating against her because she is a woman or because she is black?" Aaron stared at me, flabbergasted.

"How dare you, cousin." Aaron snarled, glancing past me. "We'll continue this later." Aaron snatched his coat and ran out the front door. I turned on my heal and saw Ms. Wilde, clutching her stomach.

"I came to thank you and your cousin, but I think we've overstayed our welcome." She commented, leaning against the couch. I smiled and shook my head.

"Not at all, Ms. Wilde. Aaron and I share similar views on a lot of things, it's why we're becoming lawyers. But we do not share every view together. His view on slavery is quite different from mine." I admitted, helping her to sit.

"And what is your view, Mr. Daniel?"

"Everyone is born with their own freewill, and there is no merit in owning someone else's body if their minds are set to freedom." I explained. "My Uncles, Barnabas and Alastar, were newly seated Whigs that year. They whole heartedly believed that there was no honor in owning another human being. They inspired me to always do what is right, even if it goes against every fiber of my being. It's just what my family does." Ms. Wilde hummed as she stroked her stomach.

"That's a noble way of thinkin', I suppose." She commented. "Y'all never experienced the torture of slavery. Being white and fighting is one thing, to grow up in it is another thing. Something I wish on no one." She fell quiet, her eyes glossing over like she was lost in another world. In those few moments, I was allowed a silent glimpse into her history. Her eyes showed age that her body did not. Whatever she had endured haunted her still.

"Ms. Wilde," I murmured, reaching for her hand. She gasped, retracting into herself.

"My son and I will be out of your hair by the morning, no need to upset Mr. Aaron over my staying." She announced.

"Nonsense, you're nearly due. In my past experience, it is better for you to stay, at least until I can find you proper shelter." I decided, knowing that Aaron would have his own opinions about that later.

"Own experience? Are you a father, Mr. Daniel?" She questioned, glancing around for any evidence of a wife or otherwise.

"No, quite the opposite," I chuckled. "I am the proud uncle of six devilish children. All of whom live in Avesbury near my parents. It's about a day's ride from here. Do you have any siblings, Ms. Wilde?"

"I have several, but I don't rightly know where most of them are anymore. I can't get in contact with them no more." She murmured, lowering herself into the couch. "Tell me about your family, sir? You said they're good people." I smiled. My family were considered good people. After Victor's trial, we thought we were done for, but we should never have doubted our friends. They kept us afloat.

"My family is quite large. I've lost count of how many aunts and uncles and cousins I have. My immediate family is extensive as it is. I am the fourth of five children. My three older siblings are all married and have small families of their own. They are unique, I would say. They all married people that bring out the best in them, even when they're horrid. Would you like to meet them one day?" I pondered, taking a seat across from her. Ms. Wilde held her stomach as she thought.

"I'd be much obliged, Mr. Daniel." She whispered. I leaned forward and took her hand. I felt her jump, but I would not address it.

"Daniel, please Ms. Wilde." I corrected. "I do not think you are a demure woman, Ms. Wilde. You do not need to hold back who you are." She glanced down at her stomach, cradling it like her baby would just float out.

"As their mother, I cannot be who I once was. I have to think of their safety first, sir. It doesn't matter who I was or who I want to be." She stated. "I've never been freer in my life, and yet, my chains weigh us down. I am not the mother they need, but they are what I need. It kills me that I cannot provide for them." I tentatively reached for her hand, sandwiching it between both of mine.

"I promise you, you'll want for nothing ever again." I vowed. Ms. Wilde gasped, retracting her hand. I spoke too hastily. "No, no, no! Not like that. I am not proposing marriage or asking for favors of that nature. I have sisters, two of them, no older than you. If anything happened to their husbands, I would care for them. Let me do the same for you." Ms. Wilde looked at me like I had six heads. The thunderous feet of her son came, breaking our silence.

"Mama, I smell like Aunty," He yelled, throwing himself onto Ms. Wilde's legs.

"That's marvelous, darlin'." She commented, pulling him onto her lap. "Would you like to stay here for a while, until Mama can get settled somewhere nice? Mr. Daniel here has a fondness for guests and would like us to rest with him a while." Her son looked at me with stunning blue eyes, much like Ms. Wilde had herself. His grin was infectious, which made me believe his mother's smile was as well.

"Mr. Daniel has kind eyes, Mama. I wanna stay." He stated. Ms. Wilde pressed a kiss to his head before looking at me.

"Then I guess we're staying, Mr. Daniel."






Hello Lovelies!

Recently Radish has updated how they publish stories on their site, and for a lot of us, that meant that it revamped how many of them were published. So, both the Real Life series The Debt series are being re-released on Radish 1 week at a time until the last chapter has been published. So what does this mean? It means that the entirety of the Debt series will not be unlocked (meaning you have to pay for it) until March of 2021. It think the Real Life series will be fully unlocked in April of 2021.

Here is the second chapter of The Runaway! I think for this book, I'll be alternating chapters, but still working that out. Just an FYI, I have about three weeks left of my semester so this will be it for a little while! Please keep an eye out for more on Radish, Wattpad and 2Tale.com!

Lots of Love,


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