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Blue POV
The betrayal I was experience was a harsh one, I've never done anything to hurt Kyle so it was hard for me to understand why he's done this. I've cried so many time in front of him and especially while he was away at the hotel and even last night. So I stayed in the booth, the same day I asked Kyle to come home I sent a beat to Chef. A song I was freestyling and messing with in my head. The reason I was still in this booth. As the best played slow and somber I noticed that Perrie was actually sitting next to Jordan. Hopefully this confession that I want to work things out with Kyle and that I do love my husband will help her reach a decision as well as to what she wants to do.

" I know you hear when I cry" I sang into the mic as I felt myself getting emotional. " I try too hold it in at night, when you're sleeping but it's your arms that I need this time" I looked at Kyle who watched me unsure of wether this was going to end well. This was me getting more stuff off my chest. " look at the cards that we've been dealt" I nodded at him the hurt all over my face. " if I were anybody else, probably wouldn't last day , every year's a rain parade from hell" he puts his head down unable to maintain the eye contact with what I'm singing.

" baby, I do it so well, I've been so understanding I've so good" the high notes I was hitting due to just being in my feelings floated over the melody. " and you're putting me through more than one ever should, and you're hating yourself cause I don't want to" I pause that way this is a play on word that no I don't hate Kyle but I also never told Kyle he's hurt me. " admit that it hurts me" I see jaws hit the floor as Perrie is drawn in.

" I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again, over you, I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again, stead of ghosting you" I feel my eye about to water. " we'll get through this, we'll get past this, I'm a girl with a whole lot of baggage" Kyle lifts his head immediately upon hearing me sing this, as if sort of taking the blame for what he did, and maybe I did push him to it just like I won't admit that it hurts me he doesn't want to admit that my flaws and not completely being myself after the accident and all my insecurities haunting me, and my biggest insecurity and fear of them all came true. In a way I do blame myself.

" but I love you, we'll get past this, I'm a girl with a whole lot of baggage oh yeah" I nod to the beat as the tears flowed and I took a quick breath. " know you wish she were here instead, don't want that living in my head, she just comes to visit you when you're dreaming every now and then" his eyes soften as he listens to me sing that verse, bringing up the wet dream and me speaking on my insecurity that Kyle would rather it was Katya he was married to and building a family with. " and after all that we've been through, there so much to look forward too" I say letting him know that I just need space and we can work on this. " what was done and what was said leave it all here in this bed with you" he nodded to my words.

Singing the chorus again I found myself crying that I couldn't add a third verse so I started humming. " mmm yeah" my hums kept me together from not breaking down. " I love you Blue Alaina" Kyle's voice was heard right when I stopped humming and I covered my mouth so not to gasp, I know I asked Chef to do it but it still tugged at my heart strings. I love you too Kyle Alexander. Leaving the studio I rush past everyone and go to the bathroom to try and gather myself.

Kyle POV
Instinctively I follow her, I know she asked for space but from the sound of the song and he coming to sleep with me last night, she didn't really want it. I waited for her outside the bathroom and when she came out she rushed into my arms. " Kyle" she gasps and I just held her tightly. " I got you, I'm sorry" I say caressing her hair as she hugged my back. I wanted us to get through this I wanted us to prevail but it's all up to Blue and it seems like she's on the fence which I a hundred percent understand. My own actions have made me sick to my stomach. She slowly lets go. " I go on tour for two weeks, and I um, I wish you the best while I'm gone Kyle" she says and it didn't take rocket science for me to understand that she was telling me that we're going on a break while she's on tour.

Blue POV
I couldn't handle the heartbreak, and I guess this was much more for me to handle than I was putting on. My heart and my mind were not agreeing with each other and every time I seen Kyle I wanted to breakdown and cry. " my mom is going to be picking Greyson up from your mom's next week" I looked down feeling the tears welling up. I'm am hurt, I'm so pissed but I've been putting on one hell of a show. Keeping calm, keeping quiet, that's it, I've been quiet. " Blue can we talk about this at home?" I lift my head to his question and show him what he's doing to me. The tears spoke for it all as he looks me in the eyes. I was wishing and praying and hoping that this tour would be a good thing for us, knowing my heart has been broken.

My mom has always said that love was a dangerous game to play, her and my father have had their own infidelity problems when I was just starting out in little mix years ago and they worked through them, a huge part of why I want to work out, my parents are obsessed with each other now. " good luck on your tour" Kyle says getting the picture that there was a lot of damage done to me due to his actions. Standing in the hallways I think of all the ways I could someone ease the pain and came up with nothing. I was scrambling and ended up empty handed and what hurt the most and I still love Kyle and could think of nothing to do that would make this right, to correct the problem, the only solution I came up with was thanking god that I go on tour in two weeks. Would I even be going home tonight? Could I face Kyle some more before tour? All these questions in the air and I had zero answers, just tears and heartache .

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