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Leigh-Anne POV
I know with everything that's going on with Blue and Perrie, the last thing they wanted to hear in the zoom meeting, was that Jesy was basically dissing the group and me when I made her feel nothing but kindness in the midst of me replacing her and getting to know all the songs, routines and schedules. Blue and Perrie both just sat there, far away looks in their eyes. I know I've been introduced to the band, and we have a few singles that I'm on, fans already love me being in Little Mix and they love me as well and the album is almost ready, but Blue and Perrie's mental health is more important than pushing an album off. " When did she say this?" Perrie asked as Blue sat there still. " Yesterday afternoon, Instagram live with Nicki Minaj" Taj our PR said and Blue nodded. " We gotta cut her off" she says before standing up and leaving off camera.

Blue POV
I don't know how I let him do this to me, but I love him so much. Now there's news that Jesy is being shady and messy after all we've done for her. " We gotta cut her off " I say, out the corner of my eyes I notice that Greyson was awake, Kyle left to give me some space for a while and so it's just me and Greyson in the house, I'm still ignoring everyone's calls. I go to Instagram and unfollow both Nicki and Jesy. I have bigger things to worry about and I got to do what's best for me, I was ready to cut her off. I placed Greyson in her playpen in the room with me and came back, I sent the girls the lyrics I had just started writing. " Oh, you did not come to mess around " Leigh says and Jade smiles as she began writing on a notepad. " We have one final song we want to have added to the album, ' Cut you off ' and then we can push the album out right then and there" Perrie says as she read the lyrics and I nodded.

Nice to see the girls had my back in not putting up with Jesy's mess after me, Perrie and Jade supported her for five long years. My husband just had an affair with his first mother of his child and Jordan had an entire child outside of his marriage. I am fucking destroyed, I don't know how to feel, I'm crying nonstop when Greyson is sleep and putting on such a brave face when she's awake. She asked for her father today and I had to explain to her that Daddy was away for a week, and he would be back soon. She was satisfied with that answer for now, I don't know how long that last.

* Two days Later after they recorded and released the album after the final song cut of Cut You Off was produced *

Kyle POV
I sat looking and listening to my teammates. " you guys gotta go home, running from your problems aren't going to solve them." Josh was saying and I sighed nodding. " I know it can be hard but one thing I can teach you haven been caught in scandal myself, is to communicate" Brandon says and Jordan nodded. " You gotta go home, you spent three days away, I'm sure they more than calmed, they put out their album, they're powering through this because they have to, if would be better if you were actually at home fighting for your marriage instead of holed up in a hotel after practice" Lebron says, and I nodded. " Alright, I'll go home " Jordan says and I stand up. " I'm going home." I agree. The guys group hugged us and assured us, we were taking the necessary steps to get our marriages back on track.

I was pulling away when I heard my phone ringing. " Whose phone is that?" Josh asked patting his pockets. " it's Blue " I say softly. " How do you know?" Lebron asked. " She has her own ringtone" I realized and smiled, because she was reaching out to me after radio silence from the past few days from her. I did also tell her to call me if she needed anything for the house, Greyson or herself. " Hey " I say softly. " Can you come home please ?" her voice was hard to read, she sounded okay. " Is everything okay, I mean besides, you know " The guys started shaking their head at me bringing up what i had done.

They were frantically making cut it out motions with their hands and I nodded. " I mean like is there something wrong?" I stuttered and it was silent. " If you can come home, I can tell you, see you soon" she ended the call and they all looked at Jordan. " My wife ain't call me " he said defensively. " With that attitude you won't have one for much longer, bro go HOME!" Brandon says and he nodded as we both go to pack out things and I mentally prepared myself for what awaited me when I walked in the house. The team left while we were packing letting us know to call them if we needed anything. As I was preparing to check out I thought back to how my first morning in the hotel my mom called me and she was pissed, she was about ready to disown me and made it clear she was supporting Blue thorought this, Blue's mother was on the same timing and don't get me started on her father, all three parents were extremely disappointed in me and my mom says she won't be surprised if this ended in divorce.

Pulling into the garage and closing it behind me, I'm sure I alerted Blue that I was home, unless she was upstairs. Opening door from the garage with my key, it smelled good in the house, a floral scent met my nose, I missed this. " Ba- Blue" I stopped myself from calling her that, she had made it more than clear I lost the right to call her that pet name, along with any other pet names. Going upstairs with my bags, I know I fucked up my home, but I'm a confident person so naturally I'm gonna say, I'm gonna prevail, me and Blue are going to bounce back from this, and I'm going to make things right. " She's going to be in good hands, I'm praying for you Blue, I support whatever you decide, and I love you so much" I hear my mother from across the hall as I set my bags in the closet, just in case Blue decided to ultimately kick me out.

Going into the hall I see my mother leaving with Greyson in one arm and several bags in her hands. " Thank you so much Karri" Blue says as I spot them at the bottom of the stairs. Blue noticed me first and when my mom saw her look away, she directed her attention to me as well. " Uh Bitty is going to stay with your mom for a while." Blue says nervously as if she had been caught, she said this as if she was scared of my reaction. " Only for two weeks max, and I can always bring her back early" My mom says, and I nodded. " Okay "was all I managed to say afraid of saying the wrong thing, I was back in the house and didn't want to fuck up any potential process being made.

I stay at the top of the stairs as Blue walks my mom and Greyson to the door. I faintly hear Blue say " Be good Nana Kuz, okay? I love you so so sooo much" and it sounded like Blue gave both Greyson and my mom kisses on their cheeks. Deciding to come downstairs as Blue closed the door and locks it behind her, she looks at me. " Can we talk?" I nodded following her to the living room, fully prepared to be cussed out. I understand what I had done was severely damaging and was prepared to make any sacrifices to rectify and repair my marriage.

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