Chapter 7

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After that last mission, the world was at peace for some time as the people now also understood the warnings that rod had given them. Then 10 years later, at the local market place in rods home town, the war against terrorism in Mindanao was put to rest as the terrorists were all being pushed further away after much effort from the Philippine military and the whole northern Mindanao was a bit safe once more.

"hey, did you hear? That rods company has expanded again?" one of the ladies at the local market started to chat to her friend who came along with her while buying groceries

"yeah. They just evaded from a crisis after all."

"gosh. If only some people would understand what rod and his team were all doing for the world."

"well, we wont have any worries about that anymore."

"your right. ever since that press conference from 10 years back, things have changed."

"nope. The world might have changed their opinion about rod."

"maybe I will also buy a dvd collection of rods videos."

"me too. So that I can tell my kids about his bravery. he was such a hunk back then."

"even until now he is. did you already know that he now has over 12 kids?"

"no way."

"you could even see facts about rod mason in his fan site where they never tore it down."

"even after all these years, its still active. I wonder if its all included on the dvds."

The ladies have now arrived at the dvd shop

"excuse me. Can I buy the dvd collection of rod mason?"


"lets see the quality first."

The operator then played the latest video as for reference for the quality.

10 year back, during the press conference, rod was invited by the world leaders to give a speech at the UN.

"son, on behalf of all the world leaders here, I thank you for your bravery along with your men." US president said after rod got on stage

"thank you mr president." Rod said after receiving a medal of honor

"can you now give the world a speech rod."

"gladly." Rod said with a serious face which startled the US president

"ladies and gentlemen! Here is rod now giving us a speech from the UN HQ! the hero! The rescue man!"

Rod then got to the stand on the stage with a serious face as he examines the crowd filled with the world leaders and media from all around the world ready to also translate rods words.

"first of all, I would like to thank the world leaders for their hard work and if it wasn't for them, we also would have a very hard time dealing with the meteor. Now of all my adventures, I have already explored many places of wonder and danger as you all have seen on my videos. You should all now have read my book, even though short it may be, you all should learn its warnings by now. And throughout my time with my rescue unit, it was also my responsibility to warn everyone of the threats that they may face when they will go to those places of wonder. In my book, I have already warned all of you. In my videos, I have warned all of you a second time. It was already clear in my book of the wisdom that I have to impart with all of you that was both taught in my dream when I was unconscious which I have no evidence of it being real."

"hey rod! this is your celebration speech--!" the US president grabbed his shoulders suddenly

"shut up mr president and listen to what I have to say. Please do pardon my attitude right now because im seriously not in the mood." Rod said with a very angry face.

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