Chapter 3

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"damn it wesley! why did you go off like that all by yourself?!" rod said after Wesley got to the bridge

Rod was still standing in his armor when Wesley got there.

"I have no energy weapons you know. So I gotta save myself—"

"save yourself?! At least show some concern and wait until all of us resurfaces! Gosh!"

"s-sorry mate. I-im maybe just afraid of whats to come."

"hahh.. its fine. But the next tie would be different you got that?!" rod was massaging his eyebrows due to stress

"yes sir."

"alright then. Where are we now?" rod then faces the omega team

"sir, we are now above Egyptian airspace. We are currently requesting for entrance."

"good. After the request, call the Egyptian president."

After a while of waiting for approval, a call to the Egyptian president was then made.


"hello mr president. We have them."

"good! This is certainly good news! You must come now back to the museum quick!"

"whats the hurry mr president?"

"just come quick!"

The president then hangs up the phone. In a matter of minutes, they have arrived back to the cairo museum where the Egyptian president was waiting for them.

"hello mr president, what brings us here anyway? And might the arabian president be overstaying as well?" rod said as he descends from the skies in his armor

"it is bad news rod mason! Inside the museum quick!"

"the mummies al started to move all of a sudden!"

"what?!" Wesley also accompanied rod when they descent as they were the only ones who was unaffected by the tentacles.

Then the moment they touched down to the stairs of the museum, they entered it where the military was getting ready to aim their guns at the mummies. But as Wesley passes by, the mummies all bumped at the glass as they stare at him. Of course Wesley was as scared as hell by the scene.

"im back prof and with some harvest this time."

Rod then presented all the specimens and the pictures that they took inside the cave.

"h-how did you get all this? Where have you been?"

"its better that no one knows prof. Can you now carbon date everything that we found?" rod

"yes, i can. Just wait for a moment. And i have also finished analysing from the pictures that you gave his majesty."

"so, how are they?" wesley

"the complexion and the facial structure of the chief in there looks Egyptian. Even the guards at the sides all have Egyptian weaponry with them."

"so it is true then."

"so rod mason, come with me now."

"yes sir." Rod

They were now again walking along the lanes where the mummies were displayed. The mummies all looked at Wesley again as if they had some sort of grudge against him.

"may i ask you mr Wesley, why have all the mummies stopped moving by the time you got here?"

"maybe its because of the treasure that he has got in his pockets." Rod said smiling

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