"tch. Im frustrated to even say this but im also glad we got out of there."

"a-anyways, where are we going now mate?" wesley

"to Washington where we get those victims to a hospital." Rod

"why Washington when you can just land in on mexico or something."

"I also have something to discuss about with the US president."

"which is?" all 3 of them were now curious

"hahh.. including my company in the space program." Rod then stood up and walked to the door

"where are you going now?"

"to change." Rod was still in his armor when the whole event happened.

"o-oh.. okay."

"cant you believe it?! they just barged in to the operation! Though their intentions were pure and just, they shouldn't have messed with things they couldn't understand!" rod was talking over a long distance call to the girls on his adventures

Before the entire mission, they had a prior mission which was to send the Excalibur up to space again for just for communications with half of the omega team on it.

"haha. I just couldn't comment about that rod." Sheryl

"us too.." Stacey and the girls nodded as they were all on loud speaker

"hahh.. enough about that, how are the babies doing?"

"they are just fine as so are we." yukiko

"You just keep doing what you do best there." Flores

"thanks. I will also send you girls the video of the whole mission later."

"you can just have us watch the video when you get back here." kaori

"anyways, you still have a meeting to go to right?"

"yes, that's right."

"good luck on that meeting rod. we will be waiting for you here." Sheryl

"thanks. I love you girls."

"love you too rod!" the girls shouted and giggled

They then heard cries.

"oh.. that's maybe them wanting their mommy. See ya later rod!" Stacey

"see ya later girls!"

Rod then hangs up the phone and sighed at his stress over the mission and was glad it was still a success.

Over the white house, the US president was still signing papers early in the morning when his secretary suddenly barged in.

"sir, someone needs you now."

"like who? Im still busy here."

"you may want to take a step outside for now. You got a visitor."

The US president then watch over the window to see armored men carrying inured civilians and handing them over to the secret service.

"that's maybe rod. I will go check on them."

At the front lawn of the white house where the alpha assault team delivers the victims and hands them over to the secret service.

"where is rod mason? Is he here?" the US president said after he got outside of the white house

"sir, hes just right there along with the Japanese and Philippine presidents."

The Tale of a Thousand Lies Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now