Chapter 1

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Uvogin's body hit the floor with a thump. He had tried to bite Leech's head in half but he dodged. Rabid Dog was pissed at this and finally finished the grey-haired male off.

The rest of the Phantom Troupe could only watch. Nobunaga, wrapped in grief over his friend's death, tried to kill them as well. Worm came from underground, snapping his neck. He had barely survived the nen ability, albeit with injuries

Soon, the entire Phantom Troupe that had come on the mission was dead. Worm was brought to a Mafia doctor, healed up. He managed to survive with minor scarring. However, revenge was something the Troupe wanted.

Phinks managed to kidnap Owl, one of the Shadow Beasts and with the help of the rest of the Troupe, tortured. Five fingers cut off until Rabid Dog saved him, killing the rest of the members. The missing fingers were replaced and soon, the Shadow Beasts were paid massive amounts of money for the defeat of the Phantom Troupe. They were famous.

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