Chapter One🕷Mirror Mirror

Start from the beginning

Mirrors weren't allowed at home. Well, they weren't necessarily banned, but Father said they distorted the truth. The only time I used them was during training to observe my movements from all angles to see what I had to improve. However, this was called the Mirror of Truth. And Father said I could buy myself one thing for working so hard. This was what I wanted.

Being able to cross everything off my list soon after purchasing the mirror, I trekked back to my ship. Upon turning out of the market I overheard footsteps behind me. I pushed down the temptation to turn around and look. That would give my awareness away.

Act natural, I chided myself, Let them get in close then deal with them

My ship was in sight. The small but sturdy and fast structure catching my sight easily. Top of the line. Knowing I had limited time before an attack, I sped up my pace. Two ships away from my own I set my bags and mirror on the ground.

"You don't understand what you got yourself into by following me."

The man bristled upon being addressed. He pulled a blaster out of his coat. Waving my hands around me I collected water from the air surrounding my body.

Forming thick shields of ice and quickly melting them to use offensively was my main tactic. It handled defense and offense at the same time. When the man paused to adjust his grip for a split second I struck. Freezing his wrists and ankles to the ground I hovered over him.

"Why did you attack me?" I growled animalistically, baring my front teeth.

"You were asking for it."

"Not good enough," I formed an ice spike to drive into his hand. Over his screams of pain I asked again, "Why did you attack me?"

"Trafficking! We never see any full Terrans out here. You would've earned me a fortune," the man screamed out. I scoffed. It was true, I saw races similar to Terrans, but we were fundamentally different. I was alone.

"Typical. Scum like you deserves to die. However, my father taught me to be generous. The ice will take around fifteen minutes to melt. Your body will bleed out in around twenty. Tick tock."

I sliced his subclavian vein in his shoulder, jumping back as blood spurted out. The last thing I needed was to stain my clothes with blood. Leaving the man in his misery, and ignoring the clench in my gut, I picked up my things and stepped onto my ship.

Setting my coordinates for home I leaned back in my seat. Tugging my shirt out of my pants, my fingers ran over three horizontal metal lines the width of my fingers on my stomach. Thicker than the one on my face, but were put there for the same reason; to enhance my abilities.

Both connected to technology attached to my body systems;;my face markings enhanced my hearing and eyesight. They ran from one cheekbone over my brows to the other. The ones on my stomach assisted in adapting to different atmospheres.

Father input them after difficulties on two different missions. I was temporarily blind and deaf, and could barely move for a week, but Father insisted it was important to make me better.

I dozed during the flight back, wondering distantly if the trafficker was still alive. I forgot to calculate for how out of it they would be, the extreme blood loss would most certainly put him out of his mind. But if he was determined enough, he would drag himself to help.


I jerked awake, rubbing my tired eyes. I fell asleep, missing reentering the atmosphere. Turning off the ship, I grabbed everything I bought and stepped off. The Garden was gorgeous, and was always a sight to see. But my eyes weren't on the landscape, they were searching for my father. Coming up with nothing, I hummed.

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