Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

"Surprised?" He asked.

"That you lied? No. That you kept a candlelit dinner a secret? Yes, I am surprised." She replied with a wide smile.

Loki wrapped his arms around her waist and the two shared a lingering kiss before pulling away to sit down at the table. Alice looked around and furrowed her brow not seeing any food around.

"You know if you're going to host a dinner, you have to have dinner, Loki." She chuckled.

"Oh, I know." He replied.

He snapped his fingers and Thor appeared holding two plates of food. Alice burst out laughing at the sight of Thor being their waiter. He placed the plates down on the table and raised his brow at Alice as she tried to calm herself down.

"It took a lot of persuading for me to do this." He whispered.

"Oh, I bet." Alice retorted.

Thor took a few steps back and waited patiently for Alice and Loki to finish their meal.

"How long did it take you to plan this?" Alice asked.

"About a week." He replied.

"Well, that week paid off. This is a wonderful way to spend our anniversary. And to think you had me believing you didn't have anything planned." She told him.

"How could I not treat you on our anniversary? You deserve the world." Loki smirked.

Alice blushed as Loki winked at her. As the two sat together and ate their meal, Alice could not help but feel something else was going to happen. She could sense Loki's excited energy as well as his nerves. She noticed he was hiding his anxieties well. Soon enough, Thor approached and with the snap of Loki's fingers, dessert was served. Alice quickly noticed that Thor went for a walk instead of standing a few feet away from them. Before she could ask, Loki cleared his throat, drawing her attention to him.
"I know things have been hectic and we haven't had much time to spend with one another, and I apologize for that." he started.

"It isn't your fault though. It's Thanos'." Alice protested.

"I am aware of that. These past few weeks I have been doing everything I can to ensure you're safe from harm and from Thanos. Just the thought of anything potentially happening to you frightens me to my core. The thought of losing you keeps me awake at night. These past few weeks I have had too much time to dwell on those thoughts. Alice, I love you too much to ever be apart from you, whether it be a few days or in death, and I've now realized what I have to do to fix that." Loki explained.

Alice felt tears in her eyes as she heard the words in Loki's head, will you marry me. As Loki went to ask the question, he heard the answer in his head, yes. Loki looked up at Alice with wide eyes and could see the huge smile on her face as she tried her best to not cry. In that moment, Loki felt himself smile like he had never smiled before. He still stood from his seat, walked over to Alice, and knelt down before her. He took her hand in his and took a moment to calm himself down.

"Alice, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He asked.

Before she could even answer, she burst in to tears. Loki quickly stood up and took her hands in his, helping her to her feet. The two embraced and held onto one another as if it were the last time. After a moment, Alice pulled back and gripped the fabric of his jacket near his shoulders as Loki kept his hands on her waist.

"What do you say? Want to be mine forever and I'll be yours forever?" Loki chuckled, choking back his own tears.

Alice laughed through her tears and laid her head against his chest before looking back up at him.

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