Chapter Sixteen

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Loki looked over at the door when he heard it open and he quickly stood from the bed when he saw Tony peek his head in. He furrowed his brow hearing a few whispers before Tony was pushed inside. He closed the door behind him and chuckled nervously as he looked up at Loki. He then looked down at Alice and his expression softened seeing her sleep.

"She should be better when she wakes." Loki spoke quietly.

"Good." Tony replied.

The two stood there in silence for a few moments before either of them went to speak.

"If it makes you feel better, once she wakes, I can go back home. I don't want to be the cause of you two not making amends." Loki told him.

"You don't have to go. Unfortunately I know it wouldn't make Alice happy." He spoke.

Loki smiled weakly as he put his head down, hoping Tony did not notice it.

"I wanted to apologize to you for my behavior today," Tony told him. "I'm sorry I punched you twice. I'm sorry I saw your...and I'm sorry I've been a complete ass to you and Alice."
"I understand why you would react that way. It's not the first time I've had a woman's father punch me." Loki chuckled.

"That isn't funny. That alone is a reason for why I can't trust you around my daughter. You seem to be taking pride in the fact that you've slept with several women and I don't want my Alice to be one of those women. She's been hurt too many times before by men like that. How can I be sure, if I give you my blessing, that you won't hurt her like they did?" Tony explained to him.

"I would never hurt her like that. I-"

"She's been abused and tortured and I couldn't save her sooner. She's been through so much and I just can't stand to see her get hurt again." Tony interjected, rushing to Alice's side and sitting on the bed.

"I promise you I'd never hurt her. Not after what she's told me she's been through. If it helps, I completely relate to her." He told him.

"Relate how? Spending three days locked away in some room where men would hit her and force her to watch other victims be tortured? Fearing for your life every minute of every day?" Tony scoffed.

"How about being tortured for a little less than a year by a man named Thanos who locked me away in a cell, burned, whipped, and broke parts of my body all because I would not do what he wanted me to. I would not kneel down and obey him as others did. He always made others do his tidings for him and he wanted me to steal the Tesseract. I knew he was a horrible man the moment I laid my eyes on him. Whenever I refused, he would whip me senseless. Then, finally, I gave in because I knew I would die if I stayed there. I knew if he would bring me to Earth, I might have been able to escape. However, he thought one step ahead and used the scepter on me. He brainwashed me just as I did to Clint and that doctor. I never wanted to attack this world. I only wanted to go home to my family. It wasn't until that beast beat the mind control out of me that I was back to myself. But the brainwashing wasn't the worst part. I was still myself in my body. I could still see what I saw and thought for myself, but Thanos had total control over my actions and words. It was all him for those few days. When I was back to myself, I knew that if Thor took me back home to speak for my crimes, I would be safe and out of Thanos' hands. I am certain that after Ragnarok, he sensed the Tesseract be destroyed and I am no longer fearing for my life since I did not successfully carry out his plans." Loki explained to him.

Tony just stared up at him in disbelief. It wasn't until Loki mustered up the courage to remove his shirt and reveal his back to him that Tony began to hate himself even more than he already did. Loki put his shirt back on and turned around to face him, waiting for his reply.

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