Chapter Twenty-Four

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The following morning, Alice was learning and practicing her seidr with Eir while Loki did his work with Thor. As the two walked down the hall, Thor looked down at Loki and smirked seeing the bright expression on Loki's face.

" are things with you and Alice?" Thor asked.

"They're fine." Loki replied quickly.

"How long has it been?" He inquired.

"Seven months." Loki spoke.

"It's almost been a year since you've met." Thor stated.

"Yes? Thor, do you have a reason for these questions?" Loki scoffed.

"Are you serious about her?" Thor questioned him.

Loki stopped in his tracks as Thor smiled down at him with a smug expression on his face, crossing his arms over his chest. Loki glared at his brother and exhaled sharply as he bit the inside of his cheek.

"Well, since you asked and I trust you to not go spreading what I say..." He started.

Thor smiled in excitement as he waited for what Loki would say, knowing full well what he was about to say.

"But we have admitted to one another our true feelings." Loki finished.

Thor scoffed and took a step towards Loki.

"Oh, come on!" He groaned.

"We have told each other we love one another! Happy?" Loki exclaimed.

"What!" A voice came from down the hall.

The two looked over to see Brunhilde running towards them.

"Great." Loki mumbled.

"You actually told her you love her?" She inquired.

"Just last night. Is that so hard to believe?" Loki chuckled harshly.

"Coming from you...yes." Brunhilde replied.

Loki gave her a look as Thor patted the back of his shoulder.

"In fact, if I am to be honest about all of this, and I have not said this to Alice yet so please, I'm looking at you Brunhilde," Loki began, earning a glare from her. "Don't say a thing to anyone...I can imagine spending the rest of my life with her. And I know that's early to say as it hasn't even been a year but what we share is so strong and powerful...I cannot let her go."

"Awe!" Thor and Brunhilde beamed as they opened their arms to embrace Loki.

"Shut up!" Loki exclaimed as a reflex, before composing himself. "And don't you two dare hug me."

"It's going to happen whether you like it or not!" Thor snickered.

Loki groaned and grimaced as he felt the two embrace him. He did not bother to hug them back and rolled his eyes as they began to sway.

"No. No, no, we're not doing this. This is over." Loki stated.

Thor and Brunhilde frowned as they pulled back from him.

"Well, I am glad that my brother is finally opening up and that Alice makes you happy." Thor told him.

"And I'm sure you two will last a lifetime. You two seem like you're made for each other." Brunhilde chuckled.

Soon enough, the new year came by. To celebrate the day, the Asgardians held a celebration and Alice had Tony and Pepper come over to celebrate as well and immerse themselves in the culture just as she was. Alice had made sure the house was cleaned and proper for their arrival. Loki helped to arrange the guest bedroom to Alice's standards before they brought them to his house.

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