Torture of War

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"Mom! Mom come on." Aaron yelled after his mother, wanting to mess around and have some fun.

Sitri walked past the trees of her quiet kingdom, smiling down at her son. "I'm coming I'm coming. Always full of energy." Aaron laughed, running into an open field past the trees.

Sitri walked past the last set up trees, looking up and seeing demons sleeping together up in the branches. She looked back over at Aaron, watching him run around and not seeming to care about the world around him.

She smiled, walking over to him and nudging him with one of her wings. Her dragon wing flaps always burning a beautiful baby blue. Aaron laughed, playfully trying to catch the flames with his claws. Sitri laughed, making her son jump up after them.

After hours of playing the sun was almost over head. Sitri looked over at the forest, seeing demons start to wake up or just talking.

One large demon walked out of the forest, standing tall. Scars covering his light purple skin, his dark black hair showing that he had just woken up.

"Hello Janela." Sitri said, sitting down in the grass.

"Hey Mom."

Aaron looked over at his older brother, running over and playfully tackling him. Sitri laughed, watching them play.

Out of no where, howls filled the air. The two brother froze, looking towards the sound. Sitri's head snapped towards the noise, standing up.

"Mama. What's going on?" Aaron asked, started to get scared.

Sitri looked over at Janela, "Go and warn your father that something is coming. And take Aaron." With that Janela was gone with Aaron.

She looked towards the open field in front of them, a dark figure walking into view. A wicked laugh filled the air as figures walked up the hill to reveal themselves, one being much taller than the other. the others being smaller and seeming more skinny.

"The Lust Kingdom. How... disgusting." The figure said, walking up closer to Sitri. Their wings were as wide as Sitri's, but more metallic. Their gray armor reflecting the sun's lightly glow.

"You shouldn't be here! Leave!" Sitri yelled, standing her ground.

The figure laughed again. Sitri narrowed her eyes at them, seeing their glowing yellow eyes looking to the side of her. "What a wonderful child. Why don't you let them come with me. They could give my daughter company." The figure said, smirking back over at Sitri.

"Leave! Now!" Sitri yelled, slamming her tail on the ground.

The figure laughed again. "You and what army?"

Sitri tensed up, her ears flattening back a little.

"This army." A male spoke. Sitri looked behind her, taking a breathe of relief.

A tall demon flew over the forest, his wings as wide as two trees, the flaps flaming black. His scales were a lighter black, his hair a dirty gold. His eyes were glossed over with a bright gold.

Below him, thousands of demons stood or flew. Many had weapons while others had sorcery.

"Well hello Asmo." The figure said, their smirk growing.

"Amber." Asmo said in a harsh voice.

The stand off stayed for about a minute, growls from Amber's hellhounds being the only sound. Amber's sharp gaze never left the demons standing in front of her. Asmo's and Sitri's never left Amber and her army of hellhounds.

Something quickly snapped, making Amber dashing straight for Asmo, her wings slicing through the air.

"Attack!" Asmo yelled before grabbing Amber's claws and throwing her to the ground.

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