Chapter Eight

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A smile blooms across Damon's face. "Elijah, could you and I have a word in the other room?"

"Of course," Elijah responds with a slight nod.

Arabella watches them go, knowing that something's going to go horribly wrong. To her surprise, it only takes five minutes for Elijah to exit the room with some blood on his right hand. Damon is nowhere in sight, but Arabella doesn't find herself searching for her brother in the room she last saw him enter. Instead, she rushes to catch up with Elijah, regretting the fact that she decided to wear the tight black dress and high heels.

"What did you do to my brother?" She hisses as he grabs a glass of expensive red wine.

Elijah turns to face her, looking uninterested. "He's not dead, if that's what you're asking," he replies. He takes a sip of his drink as he scans her cobalt blue eyes. "But something tells me that you didn't come over here to discuss your brother."

"Were you the one in my bedroom this morning? Are you spying on me?" She blabs out.

The vampire lifts his eyebrows curiously as a pair of women walk by and eye him with lust. He gives them a kind smile before he sets his smirk back on the girl in front of him. "And if I was?" He asks coyly.

Arabella is truly taken aback by his answer. What did I want to happen? She asks herself. She knows that by simply asking him to stop may do nothing.

"Why were you in my room?" She asks with crossed arms.

The Original vampire takes another sip of his wine, deep in thought. "I was curious about you. I've never met a resurrecting werewolf before, so it was quite surprising to me you hadn't noticed my presence."

Arabella looks confusedly at the man. "I was sleeping! Do you, as an Original vampire, not sleep or something?"

"I'm sure that will be up for discussion later. Right now, I do believe your brother wants to leave." He brings his gaze to someone behind Arabella before walking away.

The teenage girl turns around just in time to meet her brother's angry ice blue eyes. He rubs the side of his neck as he gently grabs her arm. "Let's go," he growls into her ear as he drags her off.

Once they arrive home, Arabella finds herself in her bedroom. She grabs one of the many books she borrowed from the library. As soon as she opens the book, she finds herself wrapped in it and the many other books to come until a loud crash echoes from downstairs.

Closing her book with a furrowed brow, Arabella senses become acutely aware as more bangs follow the original noise only a few seconds later.

The tangy smell of blood fills the air as she grabs her wooden stake from beneath her nightstand for the second time today. She carefully creeps through the house, searching for any potential threats that may come after her.

By the time the creak behind her resonates in her ears, the person behind her has their hands on the sides of her head and break her neck.

Arabella comes back to life with the smell of blood and death in the air. Unable to keep herself from gasping for breath, the girl sits up quickly and looks around the room. Damon sits in a chair with a torture device strapped around his throat. Alaric's dead body is laying next to her and a few other dead bodies litter the floor across the living room. Arabella has no idea how she got here, but she knows that she's not in immediate danger.

One of Jules's werewolf cronies stare at her in complete and utter disbelief. "That's not possible. You were dead. I snapped your neck!"

A growl breaks loose from her throat as Arabella finds herself slamming the cowardly wolf into the wall with inhuman speed. She stares straight into his fearful eyes, narrowing her gaze in on him. No one could have possibly stopped her from ripping the man's heart clean out of his chest. Her bright eyes glowing gold in her anger.

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