【 ᴛᴡᴏ 】

Start from the beginning

Danny pressed his back against the bars, fear filling his eyes. He must've come to the same conclusion as me; this wasn't going to end well.

"Bring her in!" Dabi roared to no one in particular. Footsteps echoed through the space, and a Nomu appeared in the doorway, holding a woman in his arms. He threw her down, earning a yelp of pain from her. She pushed herself up slightly, her sparking ocean orbs locking with Danny's immediately.

"Daniel!" She cried, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Mom!" Danny sobbed, crawling across the floor to her. He got close enough to just about hold her hand, when Dabi spoke, "Now you see her-" he ignited his quirk, engulfing the woman in blue flames, "Now you don't!"
"MOM!" Danny screamed, stumbling back to avoid being burned himself. I covered my mouth in horror, watching through glassy wide eyes as the flames made short work of her. The sobs of agony didn't last long; she barely lasted five seconds.

I couldn't breathe.

Now just dust on the cold ground, Dabi kicked it away like it was a pile of insignificant dirt.

"..this can't be happening.."

"What an amazing hero you are, Midoriya," Dabi snickered, "Standing idle as this child's mother was reduced to dust. What a sham."

"N-No...M-M-M...M-Mom.." Danny's whole body shook with his whimpers and sobs, "P-Please no..."

Dabi slipped his hands into his pockets, with a grin of achievement plastered across his face. He was enjoying Danny's pain; every last second of it.

"You're sick," I growled through gritted teeth, "I'm gonna make you pay for this!"
Dabi snickered, pulling his hands from his pockets and clapping them together firmly.

"I've got a better idea," He began, walking over to the cage and kneeling infront of me. He grabbed me by my collar, pulling me flush against the bars as he whispered in my ear.

"How about you pay for it. Watching such a horrific murder without moving a muscle, your heroic tendencies are few and far between, aren't they? Well, never to fear Izuku, we'll stamp them out completely in no time. So yes, let's make you pay for that little slip up...with your soul."

His grip loosened and he shoved me backwards. I stumbled, not catching myself in time as my back hit the floor. I winced; pain shooting through my stomach from my wound. Dabi stood again, turning to walk away. He paused.

"What's your name, kid?" He asked, not looking at Danny but clearly addressing him.

"...Bitch. Bite Me, Bitch."

"Excuse me?" Dabi snapped.

"I'm sorry, did I fucking stutter?" Danny questioned, "I said bite m-"
Dabi extended his hand, swiping at Danny's head with his open palm. The slap knocked the poor boy back, the sound echoing through the silent room.

"Leave him alone!" I yelled. Dabi ignored me, leaning down and grabbing Danny by his collar.

"Get off me! Murderer!" He squealed as Dabi dragged him to the door.

"Danny!" I panicked, "Where are you taking him?!"
"I'm teaching this little brat some manners," Dabi growled, "Don't worry, you'll get your turn, 'Pro Hero Deku'. You'll see things from our perspective soon enough."

With that, Dabi dragged a wailing Danny from the room; Overhaul following close behind.

"Wait!" I screamed; the door slammed shut.

Back to darkness.



"Shit, how many?" I gaped, re-reading the police report in case my eyes had deceived me.

"Just two," All Might answered, "Dabi and Toga. They escaped two nights ago, and the wardens were too busy pointing the finger to actually bring it to anyone's attention."

"Bastards," I grunted, throwing the paper down on the table, "Is there any way to track them?"
"Nope," All Might shook his head, "They weren't fitted with trackers like they were supposed to be. Incompetent Police Department."
"Damn it," I sighed, dropping my head into my hands and running my fingers through my hair. Deku loves playing with my hair...I hated it at first, but slowly (and secretly) the feeling grew on me. It just reminded me of him.

"I'm losing my mind without him," I spoke quietly without thinking. All Might's eyes just screamed pity as he gazed at me, clearly considering the best comforting dad talk he could come up with.

"We'll find him, Bakuboy. Don't worry."

"It's Bakuman-"

(If anyone gets that reference without me saying anything I will actually treat you like royalty for an entire day)

"Whatever," All Might rolled his eyes, "Unimportant. What is important is that we find my son, before they fill his head with toxic thoughts."
"Or they'll just kill him," I mumbled, "And in that case...I'm not gonna stop until every single one of those motherfuckers are burning in hell."

"They won't kill him," All Might replied, "Not yet, anyway. There has to be an agenda here."
"That's all well and good, but even if he is still alive, we have no fucking idea where the hell he is."

He covered his face with his hands, leaning back in his chair as a pained sound rumbled from his throat. I looked off to the side; this must be hard for him. I've only saw things from my own perspective so far, and how much I need Deku. I didn't think about All Might's attachment to him.

"Look...I'm sure-"
"What if I'm not enough?" All Might whispered suddenly, cutting me off. I blinked.

"I mean, I let so many people down so far..." His hands dropped, and his teary gaze flicked over to me, "What if I let Izuku down too?"

"You won't" I answered, "...you can't afford to."

He looked down; his face pale and wrinkled with stress. I almost pitied the pathetic excuse for a hero. But that's not how I roll.

"And as a tag team, there's no way we can fail," I added. I stood from my chair, walking round the desk to give All Might an awkward consoling side hug. He hugged me back...kinda.

"Everything will be okay, I'm sure of it," I assured, earning a small nod from my sensei.

"Oh...and you tell anybody about this? I'll cut your dick off and sew it to your forehead."
All Might snorted in amusement, making a zip-like movement across his lips.

"Your soft side is safe with me."

"H-Hey! I don't have a soft side!" I protested. All Might gave me a lobsided 'you sure pal?' grin.

"Fuck you old man," I growled, throwing my fat ass back down on my seat.

"Let's just get back to work, yeah?"

▪*:・°✧°・: *▪

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1771

ᴘᴜʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ: 01/05/2019

Okay folks, that's today's garbage, hope you enjoyed it :D Don't forget to give that little star a kiss to make it twinkle ^^ I'm not sure whether I'll make next week's deadline since I've just started a homeschooling programme that's keeping me busy, but I'll do my best :'3 Thanks for reading y'all!

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