【 ᴛᴡᴏ 】

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Danny hasn't moved in a while. He's just been sitting there. The only reassuring sound was his shallow breathing, and I had to hold my own in order to hear it. He was starting to really worry me.

"Dan?" I began, poking him gently. He stayed silent.

"Danny?" I tried again, trying to hide the desperation lacing my tone. He stirred slightly, but didn't answer me.

"Danny!" I hissed.

"What?" he snapped back. I sighed in relief, slumping back against the bars.

"Don't scare me like that," I mumbled, "Just answer me when I call you."
He hummed in response, as if he couldn't be bothered to form words. A clicking noise echoed through the empty room, and the sliding of a bolt lock. Suddenly, a door opened off to the left, letting in a bright ray of light. My eyes instinctively shut at first, but I forced myself to open them again. I needed to see what was going on. Two figures entered the room; one behind the other. I raised my eyebrow at the first figure, who I recognised as Dabi.

Wasn't he taken into custody?

The figure following him was someone I'd never seen before - the first thing I noticed was his mask. A beakish accessory that seriously damaged any hope of me taking him seriously. Eyes trailing upwards, I stared into his dark eyes and shrunk into myself slightly. Hollow eyes; they held no life. Just hate.

"What's with the kid?" The man's muffled voice questioned as he looked Danny up and down. It was only then that I got a good look at Danny. His short and fluffy blue hair faded into a darker shade at the ends, although the vibrance of that colour had darkened tenfold with smears of dirt. His cyan orbs looked empty as he stared up at the villains, the light from the doorway illuminating a rather stunning bruise on his right cheek. Tear stains tattooed his pale skin; it looked almost painful. When my eyes traveled downwards, I gasped at the large bloodstain on his grey hoodie. Specs of blood also glittered his jeans, but not an alarming amount.

"A Nomu brought him here," Dabi spoke after a moment, approaching Danny with several long strides. He bent down and captured the poor boys chin with his hand, forcing Danny to look him in the eyes.
"Such a shame really," The patchwork villain mused, "The intelligence put into those monstrosities, and yet they can't even get a target right."
"Simple," The man who I now knew as Overhaul replied, "Kill him."
"No!" I yelled, pushing myself to my knees as I grabbed the bars, "Don't you dare touch him!"

Dabi looked at me, tilting his head to the side.

"And here I was, hoping you were dead. Tell me Midoriya, how many times do I have to kill you before you decide to stay in your grave for good?" Dabi asked, raising his eyebrow a fraction.

"And how many times have I got to kick your ass before you accept defeat?" I countered. He snorted, looking back at Danny.

"Quite the attitude your friend has," He spoke softly to the child, "I'd hate to see that potty mouth rub off on such an impressionable child."

"P-Please," Danny stuttered, fresh tears running down his cheeks, "J-Just let me g-go home. I-I wanna see M-Mommy!"

Dabi's smirk of amusement didn't settle well with me.
"You want to see your Mom? How cute. Y'know, I just might be able to help you with that one."
Danny's eyes lit up slightly.

"Sure," Dabi stood, motioning to Overhaul, "Shall we show this kid his mother?"

Overhaul shook his head.

"You sick bastard," He spoke, but the tone he used was full of sadistic glee.

"What can I say," Dabi began, looking down at Danny, "I'm a sucker for blue."

❛ɪ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ɴᴇᴇᴅᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ❜Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz