{Chapter Four}

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3rd Person POV

Sinbad and his crew arrived in the country of Leathia. The storm cleared and his crew walks to the port. Their eyes stared in awe when the country shined, thanks to the sun and rain.

"This country..." Sinbad trailed and was still in awe.

The boy with white hair and green emerald eyes, known as Ja'far, stood by him with a smile. "Looks like we land in the sistering country of Sasan. I think this is the country, Leathia."

"What's with all the flowers?" The tall, built man asked as he saw many people wearing flowers either on their heads or as bracelets. His name was Hinahoho.

(Okay let me clear things up with the flowers. With girls they wear a single flower by their ear and for the men they wear little flowers wrapped around their wrists. Also for the children they wear flower necklaces. The country is like Hawaii but the people wear turbans and the army wears armor that is like Reims. Hope that isn't confusing but back to the story)

"I've only read a little about the country but I think the flowers are from their first queen, Jasmine." Ja'far explained to his comrades.

"She loved the beauty of flowers so much that she had her whole country filled with different colors and kinds of flowers. I'm guessing wearing them is a sign to others that her history still lives on."

Hinahoho nods but then the two notice that Sinbad was gone. They look everywhere until Ja'far sees Sinbad flirting with woman...already.

"Sinbad!" Ja'far yelled with rage but Sinbad ignored his call.

Ja'far grew an tick mark and Hinahoho sweat drops.

"This is going to be a LONG stay." Hina said as another tick mark appeared on Ja'far's head.

(Back to Yukia and Sakura)

The two walks to the dining room, where Sakura's family was waiting for her.

"Yukia, you know they're going to criticize me." Sakura said with no emotion and kept walking.

Yukia nods, "Just know that you have me right by your side."

Sakura looks at Yukia and smiles, "Right..."

They stop in front of a big red door and Sakura takes a deep breath and they go inside.

"Sakura, you're finally here." A woman with long brown hair and emerald eyes smiles at Sakura. The woman was her mother, Queen Aria.

"We wouldn't start without you." A man with blond hair and blue eyes said without giving a look to Sakura. The man was none another than King Luther.

Sakura wasn't buying that since they started dinner without her many times before. She takes a deep breath and gives her parents a fake smile.

"Thank you for waiting." She said and sits by her sister. Yukia stands a few feet behind her with her hands behind her back along with the other guards. (Like 5)

(Time Skip: After Breakfast)

"So, La'Ella dear, how have your studies been lately?" Queen Aria asked as Celestia and other maids picked up their empty plates.

La'Ella smiles, "They've been great, mother. I've learned many things."

Her father smirks, "Have you now?"

"Yes, father." La'Ella said and they start talking about her studies and Sakura sat there with boredom.

She sighs and walks out of the room without being notice...at least that's what she thought.

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