{Chapter Three}

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3rd Person POV

As the two go inside, Celestia tells them that breakfast is ready.

Sakura frowns but smiles, "Okay, thank you, Celestia."

She bows and heads to the kitchen. Sakura looks at Yukia, "Another boring breakfast...Hooray."

Sakura groans and Yukia kept her blank expression.

"Are you really going to wear that to breakfast, little sister?" A snobby voice called.

Sakura frowns but turns it to a fake smile. She turns around and greeted her sister, "Of course not, La'Ella."

La'Ella looks at her with annoyance, "Don't tell me you were in the garden, again?"

"I was just planting the flowers before the storm-" La'Ella cuts her sister off.

"Sakura! Who gives a damn if the flowers aren't planted?! Princesses can not get dirty! We have maids to do the work!" La'Ella then notices Yukia.

"I'm guessing you were there as well?" She raises an eyebrow and Yukia just kept her blank expression. La'Ella sighs with annoyance, "What am I going to do with you? This is why mother and father struggle with you."

Sakura makes a fist and kept her smile, "I know...I'll go get cleaned up."

She walks away and heads to her room. Yukia follows her but as she was walking, La'Ella gave her a glare.

When they opened the door to the room, Sakura starts tearing up. "I hate it whenever she would tell me those things! An older sister is meant to support you and be there whenever you need her. Never once in our lives has she said 'Good Morning, little sister' or 'You look lovely today, Sakura'!"

After her rant, she calms down and starts to get ready. Yukia just stood there as she remembers the times when La'Ella and Sakura had share together.

(Flashback: 6 Years Ago)

There was a time when Princess La'Ella would never be a rude and cruel princess. Her and Sakura would always play together and study together...Until one day...

"She's going to become our guard?!" La'Ella shouts as her mother and father announced that Yukia will be her and Sakura's royal guard. "Mother, she's only twelve?! How can she protect us from enemies that are bigger and stronger?!"

"Oh La'Ella, darling, Yukia may be young but she has been beating all of our top soldiers. She even defeated her friend. If she can go that far than there's no reason why I shouldn't have her protect my sweet daughters." Queen Aria said sweetly.

Yukia was just by her side as she was telling La'Ella the information. Yukia had her arms behind her back and just stood there with a blank expression.

"But mother-" The queen cuts her daughter off.

"La'Ella! You are the first princess of Leathia! The next queen who will take my place on the throne! As of right now you are not the queen and so you still listen to me! Am I clear?" Aria yelled with annoyance and anger.

La'Ella was shocked since her mother never yelled at her before. She nods but glares directly at Yukia.

(Time Skip)

Sakura was in the garden waiting for La'Ella. She heard the news about Yukia being their guard and unlike her sister, Sakura was excited to have a new friend.

"Where do you think my sister is, Miss?" Sakura asks but Yukia didn't answer. "You don't talk a lot do you?"

Yukia still didn't answer as she just stood there. Sakura sighs and starts getting bored. Soon her sister arrives but she doesn't look too happy.

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